Night Four: Culmination

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(A long chapter and intense action awaits. Grab some popcorn and play the above soundtrack when the time is right.)

- D A W N - G E T T Y S B U R G -

They were high if they thought I wouldn't do what I was about to do. I mean, brutally stupid. No one was keeping watch on us, though. Not even Azov. That house was as silent as ever at night, with occasional celebrations outside when a tribute would perish.

No matter how bad things were now, I was glad I wasn't in that arena with every eye of the nation judging me. Clearly, my games gave me dirt on my hands for how I handled Enrique. Anytime I was in public here, during my tenure, I'd always be criticized for it. I could recount a few times where the Enrique crowds here had attacked me.

Now, with my hoodie on and my stealth being put to use, I dodge through the streets, around hungry spectators. Luckily, they were so focused on the ongoing fight that they didn't care about me. I didn't even know who was fighting - but, I'd never seen crowds this big for one fight. This must have been destiny, or something like it.

     "You know, I remember something from the dinner.." Is what I hear.

I then exit the crowd, getting onto the backroads. Straight towards where my family was. I couldn't get what JP had ended our conversation with out of my head. Threatening to make them avoxes... I shiver. If he had that done, I would end him myself, whatever it took. This mission from the resistance was stupid anyway.

Yes, thank you Matson. You saved me from death, and then guaranteed it again. I then jaywalk across a street, getting some vehicles to honk their horn as I sprint. Unluckily for me, I hear one turn its sirens on. Fuck.

It races up to me as I step onto the sidewalk, and slams to a stop. The suspension rocks back as it does so, and a Constable hops out. "You wantin' to get run o'er, lady?" He asks angrily, before I make the mistake of showing my face. His turns purple as he reaches for his radio at lightning speed, ripping it off his utility belt and holding it up to his face.

"Convict found! I repeat, convict found! Daw-" he begins, reaching for his gun. Not before I manage to use one of my resistance flash bangs, blinding him. He screams, giving me the chance to book it.

This was not good. I dash out of an alleyway, sprinting into another crowded area watching the fight. Then, a shock from hell strikes me in the back. I scream in agony, before losing the ability to do so completely.

I'd been found out.

- B A I L E Y - M U R P H Y -

     "With haste," I mutter as I follow the others out of the Chalet for good. What a hellish night already, and they hadn't even come after us yet. I hoped we'd be able to dodge them, but I felt like even if we did, the GameMakers wouldn't allow it.

     This had been set up from the beginning. Ever since Lucy fucked with Mateo's token and backfired, Merryn had a hit out for us. The viewers knew it, too. There was no way they'd miss out on an opportunity like this.

     As we vault over a ledge, we hear to individual sponsor whistles. Looking up reveals that they were both headed for us. "Hell yeah!" Mateo exclaims, speeding up just a little more. Superia and I soon follow suit, scaling the mountain.

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