Day Five: Survivor's Guilt

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* You will notice that some upcoming choices will be the final choices of certain tributes/ententes. This is in an effort to set the ending in stone and not allow for last minute changes to the story. I did the same in IHG 5. May the odds be ever in your favor.

- R O M A N - A R M S T R O N G -

"Merryn, I'm not sure we'll find her," I tell Merryn as we walk along the edge of the Reinebringen, observing the flooding damage. We were around the Chalet, and surprisingly, it had survived the Game Maker's simulation of hell.

     "We'll find her, Roman," she insists for the sixth time, getting more frustrated with each time I ask. We'd been walking around Reinebringen for hours now - Merryn being more and more insistent that I wasn't keeping up enough. Like a traveler that had to use the bathroom every thirty minutes.

     "It's not worth it," I say to her finally. She looks around, angered. "That's the fact."

     "Why not?" She asks, taking it personally and acting like I had just insulted her. "You doubt me?"

     "Merryn, there's a feast tomorrow morning," I point out. "We should prepare for that, and take out as many as we can. It's how we win. Against the two of us, we already know Superia is a non-factor."

     "You can't change my mind, Roman," she mutters angrily, before raising her voice significantly. "She tried to humiliate me! I've avenged my sister, and now, I will avenge myself. Have you forgot everything she did?"

     "What, fought you in training?" I retort, stepping up. Defending Superia wasn't in any of my intentions (I'd rather see her dead), but I had to set the record straight. "Then what? You proceeded to attack her at dinner. Permanently alter her face. Threaten to burn down her town and kill her entire family. Why do you think Mari left us? Do you not see it?"

     Her face was getting more and more red, but mine was too. I was getting tired of this. She was going to get both of us killed. "Yeah. Blame Mari on me, huh? I do what I have to in order to avenge those who I wish to avenge. I thought you understood that?"

     That did it. "You're saying what now?"

     "You heard me."

     "No, repeat it. Now."

     "Fine. You've lost the will to revenge."

     I draw my sword to that, and she follows suit. "Excuse me? I avenge her by winning. That's what I'm trying to do. You've been consumed by hatred for an irrelevant tribute, and yet you insinuate that I'M the one that's lost will?"

     She begins to speak, but is interrupted when a object crashes to the ground right next to us. It was a sponsor package of average size, and it didn't use the parachute. I knew it from prior use - a med kit. Neat, but I didn't really need it right now.

     At this rate, though, Merryn would.

     "God, we were about to kill each other," she mutters.

     "Yeah," I reply quietly, picking up the medkit. "I'm not changing my mind."

     "We are really stubborn.." she admits. "Still, neither am I."

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