Day Six: Helvete Er Tom

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Another long chapter. This one's longer than the last, actually. Just under Three thousand words. The next chapter (The Final One) will probably be even longer, lmao. Buckle in.

- M E R R Y N - P R I C E -

"There you are..." I smile, seeing Superia arrive on the second floor with me. She stood at the top of a staircase, looking with pure anger at me. "Ready to die yet?"

"We will see who dies," she says, planting her feet and hurling her axe at me. Wait, she had the cable repaired? How? I pull up my sword to block it. The axe strikes the sword, which does block it but causes considerable blowback in the process. It produces enough force to send me through the thin, wooden guardrail and falling back first to the ground floor.

I grunt as I watch her axe fly back through the air and back toward's Superia's direction. I don't think it broke anything of mine, except the guardrail. I hear footsteps run to a secondary staircase and she rushes down to meet me in the living room.

This was a huge building. If only I knew it better.

"Cunt," I insult viciously, and she cracks her neck in response. "You thought that would hurt, didn't you?"

"I mean, I have had to defend my house for a long time," she replies.

"Against low life thugs," I retort. "Although, I wish they'd killed you. I can't believe I have to waste time on your pathetic person."

"Come on, then," she replies. "Prove your 'superiority'."

"Gladly," I declare, spinning my sword and beginning my attack. She attacks differently. There were three chairs and two tables in the center of the room. She under swings one end table with her axe, propelling it through the air into my face.

Not expecting it, it knocks me over. Another blade lock ensues as she rushes me. We were roughly equal in strength, as much as I hated to admit it. The holding contest continues until I knee her side, causing her to double over as I punch her in the nose.

Her nose was bleeding now. I slam my sword down on her face, but she rolls out of the way too quickly for me to impact. "JUST DIE ALREADY!" I scream, picking up that end table and decking her in the head with it. As she falls, I see her call back the axe. It impacts my legs, causing a minor yet annoying slice in my leg. We both fall to the floor, each bleeding from somewhere.

We both recover in a similar time, and she rushes to the fireplace, grabbing one of the tools used to control it. She then longarms it, connecting the metal to my cheekbone. The pain was huge, but there was no time to deal with it. She picks up her weapon, charging me.

I pick up my sword, dazed and angry. I hold it out, hoping in her confusion she'd run herself into the edge. She realizes this move, but it was nearly too late. In her sidestep, she falls over, crashing to the ground next to me.

"y-you, ass," I say, out of breath. She was the same, huffing on the ground. I pick up my sword again, still on the ground and infuriated that she wasn't fucking dead yet. I slam it down on the ground to my left, aiming for Superia's heart. This is it. She can't dodge th-

She kicks my leg with a huge amount of strength, making me miss my shot. It drives into the floor on the far side of her arm, causing nothing but a singe of a cut and a need for a new floor. As I try to stand to grab it again, she rotates her body and kicks up. My chin was in the line of fire and as a result, my body flies backward into the wall.

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