Interviews - Part One

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The interviews are longer than a usual chapter, since I want each tribute detailed. Accordingly, they will be divided into two chapters. Five interviews per chapter, two chapters, that's like... ten interviews.

Math is nuts Yo.

So, this chapter, these are the five:
Mateo Padilla
Mari Albott
Thomas Barnes
Lilith Dork
Cameron Luíz

Let's a goooooooooooo

- T H I R D - P E R S O N -

     "And so, we have our first interview, folks," Bruhm Omen says, waving to the crowd. He had been featured the previous year as the interviewer, having bested Flickerman. It wasn't that hard, since Flickerman had a lung hemorrhage. The crowds had loved him, and so Bruhm was now the Capitol interviewer.

The crowd erupts with applause, and so he smiles before taking the mic again. "Our first tribute is quite the character. He went from someone completely unknown to a household name in three. Welcome, Mateo Padilla!"

He comes out in a green blazer, with a tie that went down to his knees. The crowd applauds him and his outfit, and Mateo smiles back at them before sitting in the chair. Bruhm was laughing as Mateo took his seat, and quickly held the mic.

"I absolutely love your tie," Bruhm laughs. Mateo smiles, and the crowd bursts into a 'Me too!' at the mention of it. "But seriously. Your designer must have been an absolute madlad."

"He absolutely was," Mateo responds, and the crowd laughs with him.

"I don't doubt it," Bruhm adds, composing himself. "So, apart from your flashy outfit and stunning looks, you have become a household name in your home district, seemingly overnight."

     "Oh, nice!" He says, straightening his tie. "I'm glad there's support."

     "Support there is," Bruhm follows up. He sits up, and the crowd quiets once again. "So, you're a member of the Fantastic Four, the biggest competitor to the Careers. Clearly they have picked up on it, how are you all dealing with it?"

     Mateo thinks for a bit, taking his little time to craft a response. "As well as we can, Bruhm," he begins. "We all saw the livestream, placing peaceful isn't quite a good idea."

     "Clearly." Bruhm states. "I won't harp on it too much, many here have already made up their minds about the livestream." He remains silent for a few seconds, thinking. "Ah, yes. You think you'll win?"

     "Well, um," Mateo begins. "I hope so. Two more tributes doesn't quite help that chance."

     "Very truthful." Bruhm says. "Confident, but realistic. I like you, Mateo. Guys, give it up for him and his tie!"

     The crowd goes ecstatic as they both rise, shaking hands. Mateo turns to walk off the stage, brushing by a very ready Mari.

Marina "Mari"

The crowd roars equally as hard as when Mateo entered as when Mari does. She was sporting a cool designer look, with a tight, red shirt and a half-cape in maroon that followed her left leg. She was sporting black leather gloves, with jet black leggings.

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