Night One: Confined

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- C H A R L E S - B O N E U T E É -

          "Anna!" I whisper to her, waiting for some advice on what to do. She almost seems to be frozen in place, though, eyes wide and looking out the window. We needed to both do this, not just one. I decide to take initiative, since Anna was completely wide-eyed.

     I grab her hand and we head for a more concealed room like the bedroom. There were less windows in there, and the Careers were about to see us if we stayed. The glass window was big enough to expose us to a keen eye like Raymond's.

     I lead her through the room, but she was literally freezing up. Her body was rock solid, stuck in her own terror. "Come on!" I mutter, deciding to pull her by brute force. Suddenly, she snaps out of it, taken aback. She lets go of my hand as I pull, making her feet slip on the wooden floor and she tumbles down.

     I watch in horror as she hits the ground. That didn't hurt her, but the noise had been incredibly loud. I look back, seeing the passing shadows of the Careers.. stop.

My heart stops its beat as the dread fills me. It was my turn to be frozen in place. I hear a terrifying voice as she gets up to run. "I hear you, bitch!" Merryn screams, busting inside and throwing the door in.

     "No!" I scream, hurling a throwing knife at her. Her massive sword, however, skillfully moves up to block it. Anna rushes to her feet, grabbing a wooden shelf from the wall and pulling it down as a makeshift shield. It collided with Merryn's blade, which she pulls down. Then, the other side of her sword comes down on her arm, making Anna spew blood.

     I look on in horror, throwing one of my knives at Merryn. It slams into her leg, making her fall over. Raymond and Lucy make it in on the party, and I throw a vase at them. It collides with Raymond in his cheek, making him fall down as Lucy looks toward me. Her Crossbow points toward me, and I duck behind the counter as a poisonous bolt lodges into a cupboard.

     These were the same people that murdered Bee. They had to pay, but I understood that if I charged them now, I'd be as good as dead. It wasn't the death that scared me. It was whether my sisters would see me again.

     I softly cry as I hear Anna's voice call for me. It was silenced as quickly as it started, with a putrid sound of ripping flesh taking its place. That was Anna, gone. The cannon shot near instantaneously, and it sent shivers down my spine.

     I could run right now. The back door was right there, and I quick enough to where Lucy wouldn't get me. Would running be right in the eyes of the lord? Would he want me to die here? Or would he want me to fight for another day?

I choose the former. Grabbing my supply pack, while losing the other, I dodge a bolt as I rush out of the back door. I let my legs carry me, hoping I'd made the right choice.

- J O N Z H - E N A -

"You think we're in the clear?" Sera whispers, seeing Mari get up from her perch and making her way down towards the bridge.

     "I think so." I say, immediately jinxing myself. Roman appears up there, and calls down to Mari.

     "Where are you going?" He asks, confused. Mari turns around, a bit surprised, and responds quickly.

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