The Reaping

269 21 103

For those of you who are new, not every Tribute will be featured in every chapter, FYI.

- C E C I L I A - S N O W -

"Cecilia." Mom says, as we walk towards the city square. The streets were filled to the brim with annoyed and raging Capitol children and parents alike. JP's twist wasn't so popular with us Capitol citizens. This was a sign that their immunity was cut; that their allegiance was no longer as valued. "I think we both know what's about to happen."

"I had a hunch." I reply, getting in line to have my blood taken. This was... horrifying. All of this happened in the Districts each year, but not here... this was the one place I could watch the games and not get involved. Looks like that changed.

"If JP does what I think he will do-" She starts.

"Why is he doing this?" I ask, confused.

"A personal vendetta." Mother replies, waving at a Capitol citizen. "For who I was, and what I made him to be."

"So our hunch is likely right." I say.

"Yes." Mom replies.

"Shit." I mutter, and mom looks over, aggravated.

"Language, Cecilia." She says with force.

"Sorry." I mutter, and I get to the place in line where they take blood. My hand is placed on the table, and they take a syringe to my elbow. I cringe as my blood flows out and into a box of vials behind the Peacekeeper. He waves me forward, and mother stops me before I go in.

"Why do they do that?" I ask, curious.

"So if you escape, they can track you." She says, a bit too casually for my liking. She then takes my hand. "Look. If this is rigged and you're chosen, your token is your pearl necklace. I wish this could be different." She says.

"I-I.." I stutter, at a loss for words.

"Be Strong for me, Cecilia." She says, holding my hand with both of hers and kneeling down. "Promise me."

"But I don't know if I'll be pi-" I start.

"Damnit, girl, promise." She says, somewhat distraught.

"Y-Yeah." I say. "I promise."

She stands up. "I love you." She then walks out towards the Parent's stands, and I'm left alone.

"L-love you too." I mutter sadly, out of range for her to hear. I trudge to the girl's stand, picking a seat and looking at the stage. They were doing this right at the crack of dawn, and so I was quite tired.

After a few minutes of sitting alone, with people leaving a few seats between me and them in all directions, it begins. I'd been used to people excluding me like that. I was a Snow now, after all. The progeny, albeit adopted, of the most murderous bloodline in Panem. The adopted part didn't seem to reverse people's assumptions of me. My great-Great grandfather was... a bit of a tyrant, to say the least.

A woman walks out, all tailored up like 99% of the people here. You didn't see this in the Districts. "Welcome to the 105th Hunger Games." She says. "The Districts would have a presentation, but we're the Capitol. We don't need one."

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