Day One: Scenic Splendor

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A.N. - So I'm trying to decide whether to include more POV's per chapter, which makes for longer chapters and subsequently longer waits for said chapters, or shorter chapters with featured people like last IHG. It's the finale, so I wanna make it good. What do you all want to see? Let me know, please.


     God, where were they?

     The remaining members of the BAC'k has gone the exact same way I did, just a little bit before. Either way, they were nowhere to be seen in the village. I'd kill them if I had to, but I didn't really need to. What bothered me was that I didn't know where they were, at all.

     I had a newfound respect for Alexander now, after what he did. Thomas was too good for this - he didn't deserve to be here. Technically I didn't either, but I wanted to be here. Thomas didn't.

I knew that at the least, I would be taking it easy on Sasha. I didn't necessarily like either of the Amazons, but I respected Sasha - and by extent, Zuli.

     Regardless of who it was that crossed me, though, nothing would keep me from winning, short of death, of course. How ever many 12 year olds I slaughtered didn't really matter in the grand scheme of things.

     Then, a cannon blast rings out through the arena. We'd already had one from Thomas' demise, but there were surely more. How many, though, was the question.

     And Six was the answer. So... 19 tributes left in action out of 26. Not a shabby first day, but not as deadly as I'd hoped for it to be. The more people the Careers murder at the bloodbath is less people I have to worry about.

     Through the windy weather, though, I hear talking. It was faint, but it was there. There were also two boat motors, but those were farther away. The talking, though, I could tell where it was coming from.

     I make sure to ready my arrows, before making my way between the buildings towards the talking. Now, I knew where they were. I start tip-toeing, the voices growing closer. I pop out from behind a building, and.. there they were.

     Anna and Charles, walking across a small soccer field of sorts. They were oblivious to my seeing of them, and were in a prime position for one of my arrows to fly through their chest.

     Farther away, though, I could hear two boat motors a bit closer than I'd like - one to the south and one to the west. I didn't know I'd they even knew what they were looking for, but there was still a chance.

-hardcorefxnatic- Does Squid:
A) Take on Anna & Charles.
B) Retreat and find shelter in the village.
C) Custom Plan

- M A T E O - P A D I L L A -

     I stop the boat, pulling into a small dock on Reinebringen. To our west was the Chalet, and past that was mountainous terrain. Superia and Bailey stand up, and Bailey quickly disembarks with tears in her eyes.

"What the hell just happened?" Bailey exclaims, wiping a tear from her eye as Superia and I step onto the dock. It was.. a bit calmer now than I had expected the arena to be. Of course, that's probably change, but still.

    "No one will answer?" Bailey asks.

     "What do you want us to say, Bailey?" I ask her. "You want us to take the blame?"

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