Chapter 4 : Baseball

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The vacation ended, and the party was back at school. The snow fell a lot during Christmas, but the school bus managed to circulate on the roads. Max arrived in running at the building. She wasn't late, but she was clearly not in advance. Her first period was history, one of the only classes where they were all together.

- "You're late," Mike stated.

- "Do you see any teachers in this class?" Max  rhetorically asked, sitting behind him.

- "Why are you always late?"

- "Why are you always stupid?"

Mike rolled his eyes before turning to the blackboard while the others were chuckling.

- "I never know if you're serious or not," Will smiled.

- "He can't live without me," Max joked.

- "Oh yeah, clearly not!" Mike sarcastically said.

Max pushed gently his head while the boy was smiling. The arriving of Mr. Smith cut them in their conversation.

- "Goodmorning everyone. Sorry for my late, but I learned this morning that we have a new student here," the man smiled.

Max and Beverly quickly turned their heads to each other.

- "Do you think it's our new girl?" murmured Beverly murmured.

- "It would be so cool," Max told with a smile.

They heard the door closing. Max and Beverly did a high five when they recognised Jane. The new girl was wearing a white tee-shirt with David Bowie on it, put inside blue light jeans inside black boots, with a black leather jacket and the same khaki backpack the girls saw in the changing room. Her hair was back but not plated.

- "Welcome," Mr.Smith greeted with a smile. "What's your name ?"

- "Jane," the girl answered looking around.

- "Okay, where are you from?"

- "Faaaaar."

- "Okay," the teacher chuckled. "Take your seat."

Jane mouthed a « thank you » before walking between the rows at the opposite side of the group of friends. She passed next to Troy and his friend who were laughing and pointing at the girl. Jane ignored them and sat at the back of the class, next to the window and behind Troy. The boy was making obscene movements with his pelvis. Max noticed that Jane was a bit hurt and embarrassed by his vulgarity. She watched her friends and understood they noticed too, they were all giving a dark glares to the two boys, hoping he would stop and felt stupid.

- "What do you want, losers!?" Troy asked with a provoking tone.

Max was going to answer, but the teacher intervened before she could. She met Jane's eyes and gave her a small smile. Jane waved back which made the girl a little bit blush. Max spent her first class giving quick looks above her shoulder to watch Jane. The girl was slowly falling asleep against the wall next to her. At the end of the class, the party noticed that Jane was still asleep. They approached her, and Beverly shook her. Jane woke up with a loud snore and wiped the corner of her lips and her left cheek. She looked around before seeing the group around her.

- "Shit shit shit! Did I fall asleep!?"

- "Yep," Beverly answered.

- "Fuck! It was my first class! I'll have to catch up now! You're stupid Jane!" the brunette said, hitting her forehead.

- "Hey it's okay, Mr. Smith didn't even notice, and he is quite boring," Max pouted.

- "It's not the problem, (stands and puts her stuff in her bag) I just...I hate school."

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