Chapter 32 : Confession

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Will arrived at the cafeteria, but, this time, he took his lunch, so he went directly to his friends' table. The group greeted him with a big smile.

- "Hey," the young boy said. "What's up?"

- "Jane didn't show up," Lucas stated.

- "He already know, he is in class with us, you remember?" Dustin mocked.

- "Yeah, sorry," the black boy pouted.

- "It's fine, but my mom told me she wasn't okay last Friday, she is probably sick."

- "Yeah, maybe, and with the stress of school, it didn't make it better," Mike answered.

- "Okay, let's talk about something we all want to know," Beverly intervened. "When are we gonna meet Gabrielle? I mean, as your official girlfriend, because we've already seen her in class."

- "Um, well, I don't know, I don't want you to scare her!" Lucas joked.

- "Oh please! Except Max, I don't know who could scare her!" Mike added.

His friends laughed, Dustin nudging the redhead while she was flipping him off with a smile.

- "I'm sure I would be her favorite," Max told.

- "You are everyone's favorite," Lucas said with a mocking tone.

- "Yeah, who doesn't like MadMax!" Dustin stated with a big smile.

- "The poor Mikey who can't beat my highscore," the redhead chuckled.

- "Shut up, it's just a matter of time!"

- "Even time can't help you."

The kids finished their lunch talking about their annoying homework before going to their next period. Will and Max had sport and both thought it wouldn't be the same without Jane. But, when Max arrived on the field, Jane was there, talking with the teacher. She gave him a paper and began to limp out of the field with a crutch. Max ran to her and grabbed her arm to stop her. When Jane turned around, Max noticed her purple hematoma on her lip, red marks on her neck, and bandages around her hands.

- "Shit Jane, what happened to you!?" Max frowned.

- "I fell in the forest," the other girl answered.

- "And a tree sank its nails in your neck!? Do people believe this story!?"

Jane touched her neck like to see if the nails marks were still visible, but if Max saw them, it was visible.

- "I'm sorry..." Max apologized.

- "It's not you."

- "You know it's me. If I, if I hadn't...nothing of this would happen."

- "Maybe it would, you can't know that," Jane said, looking down.

Max wanted to hug her, but she was sure Jane didn't want a hug from her, even if she seemed less mad at her, it was still her fault.

- "Where else are you hurt?"

- "It doesn't matter," Jane told, gritting her teeth.

- "It does, Jane! I know you're mad at me, but it won't stop me from worrying for you," Max stated.

- "I'm fine, I spent the last two days doing nothing on the couch."

- "But—"

- "But nothing! Okay!? I don't wanna talk about it, it's done, there is nothing you can do, so just let me go!" Jane got worked up.

- "Okay, okay, sorry, I didn't want to embarrass you."

Jane nodded and rubbed her face. She was so tired that she was getting angry so fastly, and she was hating her for this.

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