Chapter 14 : Dinosaurs

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After a copious breakfast, the teens took the bus in direction of their first visit: the Natural History museum. Mike and Jane sat next to each other, Will with Beverly, Max with Dustin, and Lucas with Gabrielle. When Jenifer and Clara passed near Jane, they raised their eyebrows with a small smirk before continuing their way.

- "Is there a problem?" Mike frowned.

- "They think I have a crush on you," Jane answered with an annoyed tone.

- "Really?"

- "Yeah, even Bev! They hadn't stopped asking me if I had a crush on Troy, then you, then Will. I thought it would never end!"

- "They are just curious, you are new, they want to know you better," Mike smiled.

- "I guess, but it's embarrassing..."

- "Don't worry, when they will understand that there is nothing between us, or between you and Troy, or between you and Will, they will stop."

- "But when?"

Mike pouted and shrugged. They spent the travel showing each other their magazines, music magazines for Jane and science magazines for Mike.

When they arrived, their teachers gave them two hours to visit the museum as they wanted. Jane stayed with the party. Beverly and Dustin insisted to see the dinosaurs so the group followed them walking quickly throught the diverse rooms. They arrived face to face with a Tyrannosaurus.

- "It's really the best dinosaur! Right Max?" Mike smirked with a provokative tone.

The party looked at the redhead, who crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow, with a smile, except Jane who wasn't understanding.

- "I still think Triceratops are better," Max stated.

- "Tyrannosaurus steps on them, and they are dead!" Lucas intervened.

- "Have you seen their horns!? Three horns! Headbutt, and your Tyrannosaurus is dead!"

- "She is right, it's like the Stegosaurus," Dustin told.

- "What ?" Max frowned.

- "They always have a mace with them!"

- "But they are so slow!"

- "You've ever tried to run with a mace?"

Max turned to the others to see if she was the only one to find it weird, but seeing their faces, they were as lost as her.

- "Bev, which one is your favorite?" Dustin asked.

- "Velociraptor," the redhead affirmed with a smile.

- "Oh please! This lezard?"

- "They are fast, at least," Max added.

- "I kinda prefer the Velociraptor too," Will intervened. "I mean, they are fast, and they have this big claw to cut throats."

- "Yeah, Will you're the best," Beverly smiled, wrapping her arm around his shoulders.

- "'Cause you think your Velociraptor is flexible enough to cut a throat?" Mike said, raising his leg in the air.

- "Just because you can't doesn't mean they couldn't!" Max mocked.

Mike winced at her while the others were laughing.

- "A bite in the leg, the prey is on the floor, and then you cut the throat," Beverly explained like if it was nothing.

- "Nobody prefers the Pterodactyl?" Jane intervened with a frown.

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