Chapter 13 : Sister Bernadette

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The buses finally reached their destination. A heap of teens arose in the street, trying to take back their bags from the hold of the vehicles. The party managed to reunite in the hall of the hotel, surrounded by excited teenagers screaming and laughing. It was not a luxurious hostel, it had only one star, but it was enough for a scholar travel.

- "Where is Jane?" Dustin asked.

- "With Troy," Max answered with an annoyed tone.

- "But why?"

- "She seems to like him," Will told.

The teachers needed an entire minute to have the silence from their classes. They explained that, for now, they were going to install their stuff in their rooms, but they had to chose their rooms before, according to the number of beds. The four boys left the girls to have a room for four. Beverly and Max tried to find Jane in the crowd to ask her to be with them. Max finally found her, alone and looking around like a child searching for their parents. Bev wrapped her arm around Jane's shoulder and took her with them. Jane was relieved to see them, she was beginning to panic.

- "A room with us, you agree?" Bev asked.

- "Yes, of course," Jane smiled.

- "Cool, I'll write our names."

Beverly let go Jane, letting Max and Jane together. The two girls managed to go apart of the crowd.

- "I thought I would be alone," Jane told with a shaking voice.

- "Hey, you okay?" Max frowned.

- "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, I just...don't like when there is too many people around me, that's all."

- "Like a phobia?"

- "Kinda, I guess. It gets me anxious, I was happy to see you because I don't know where I would go !"

- "Troy abandoned you?"

- "No no, I told him I was ok because I was seeing you, but then you disappeared before reappearing with Bev," Jane explained.

Max nodded, a bit doubtful.

- "Are you really friend with him?"

- "I don't know, I think he is changing, but for now, I told him I didn't want to be friend with a bully so it's a no. But we have good exchange."

- "I don't know if he is changing, but you seem to like him a lot," Max stated with a bit irritation.

- "I won't date him if it's what scare you," Jane told with a annoyed tone.

- "I don't care, you date who you want!"

- "As long as it's not Troy."

- "Troy or another from the Football team. You're too good for them."

- "Really?" Jane asked with a raised eyebrow.

- "Of course, you're too kind, too smart, and too pretty for them," Max answered with a small smile.

Jane pursed her lips to not show her smile but had to look down to hide the blush growing on her cheeks. Every time a girl was friendly with her, she couldn't help but think she was flirting with her. But she was smart enough to know it wasn't true because Max was normal. She tried to go down to Earth before it became suspect. Luckily, Beverly approached them.

- "There was only a room of five when I arrived, so we are with Clara and Jenifer," the redhead explained.

- "Okay, cool," Max smiled.

- "What did you do to her, Max? Jane is all red," Bev chuckled.

Jane wide opened her eyes. She thought the blush was light enough to disappear fast but apparently not.

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