Chapter 5 : The invitation

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Max was tired. It was just the first week, and she was already done with school. Hopefully for her, it was the last day, and she joined her friends at the lunch table. One of the things she liked the most about school was her friends, she could see them everyday, and now, she had Jane too. The girl was still a bit distant and shy, but she had some classes with them, the redhead hoped it would help her to create more bonds with her.

- "Hey Max," Will smiled.

- "Hey, Mike is not here?"

- "He wanted to talk to Jane," Dustin answered.

- "Oh, really?" Beverly smirked.

- "What?" the boy frowned.

- "Nothing," Bev smiled.

Dustin saw on his friends' faces that they didn't understand neither. The appearance of a tray on the table made startle everyone.

- "Oh Mike! How are you?" Bev asked, with the same smile.

- "I'm good," the young boy answered with a bigger smile.

- "Why do you look so satisfied?" Lucas frowned.

- "I've invited Jane for a date, and she said yes!" Mike excitedly told.

- "What!?" Will exclaimed louder than he thought.

His friends and some teens of the cafeteria turned their heads to him with a questioning look. Will blushed of embarrassment and looked down at his tray to disappear.

- "So," Beverly continued, looking at Mike again, "she said yes, what are you gonna do?"

- "Well, I asked her if she wanted to go to the movie theater with me, to watch "The return of the living dead two", and then we will eat, I don't know, Burger King probably."

- "So romantic," Max sarcastically said.

- "What do you know about romantism? I mean, do I have to remind you how it finished between you and Gary?" Mike mocked.

Max lost her smile and killed him with her eyes while the others were laughing. In fact, Gary was her boyfriend one year ago and the boy had to move in another state, but Max was in love with him and ran after him at the airport to tell him. His answer was « thank you » before going in the plane. She had no news of him since this day.

- "At least he was polite," Beverly added in a chuckle, making the others laugh more.

- "I hate you all," Max joked. "And an horror movie is so cliché."

- "It's more a comedy than an horror movie, and she was really excited by this," Mike explained. "Why do you even care?"

- "I don't, I just wanted to change the subject," the redhead smirked.

- "Gary was a cunt anyway, you won when he left," the black-haired boy told.

- "I know, I don't care about him anymore, you can laugh about it."

Mike nodded, giving her a warm and friendly smile, with no mockeries in it. Even if she was okay with it now, when it happened it hurt her more than she showed. Mike didn't insist, he didn't want to bring back some bad memories, he knew how much it could hurt.

The school day was coming to an end. Will was in direction of his last period: sport. It was athletic sport, he was fearing it less than baseball, but it was still sport, but at least, not a team sport. He saw Max a bit further and ran to her.

- "Hey Will," Max smiled.

- "Hey Max," the young boy answered out of breath. "Can you believe that Jane accepted a date with Mike?"

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