Chapter 68 : The beginning of Summer

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The end of the school year finished calmly. Neil and Susan didn't bother Jane and Max, the two girls still living together in her apartment, Max taking care of her girlfriend the best she could. They all passed their exams, more or less good, and were enjoying the beginning of the summer, together, at Lucas's house, for a barbecue. Dustin bought a new one and him and Jane were trying to build it.

- "No, it's not supposed to go here!" Dustin told.

- "But it doesn't go anywhere else!" Jane stated with an irritating tone.

- "It has to!"

- "Look at that! The wheels are perpendicular! It can't roll!"

- "It's not you who had 98 on 100 in Mechanics?" Dustin frowned.

- "It was on cars! Not on barbecues!"

A bit further, Lucas, Gabrielle, Bev, and Will were talking, standing on the grass, holding a cup in their hands.

- "When do you begin army?" Bev asked.

- "At the end of August, I can't wait!" the black boy excitedly told.

- "Well, I can!" said Gabrielle said.

- "I'm gonna be okay, the first years are for training, they won't send me to the front."

- "Yeah, if you say so."

Lucas wrapped his arm around his girlfriend and kissed her head. He knew she wasn't liking his dreaming job, but she was still supporting him anyway, it was all he needed. Will and Bev looked at each other with the same smile meaning they were finding them cute. They were cut by Jane and Dustin bringing the barbecue, held by the two handles.

- "What happened to the wheels?" Will frowned.

- "We couldn't make better," Dustin sighed.

- "You didn't have 98 on 100 in Mechanics?" Lucas asked.

- "On cars! It was on goddamn cars!" Jane answered with the same irritated tone.

The friends chuckled while Jane playfully shook her head. Mike and Max were slowly walking to them, in a serious conversation.

- "How is Jane?" the black-haired boy asked.

- "Well, she cries every day, she tries to evacuate with boxing, but I see she is still not okay, I don't know what to do..."

-"You're with her, that's all you can do, and it's more than you think. At least she is not alone, she knows she has you, it's all you can do, she will be better."

- "I hope you're right!"

They arrived near the others and frowned at the barbecue.

- "You didn't have 98 on 100 in Mechanics?" Max stated.

- "It was on-oh fuck it!" Jane gave up.

The group giggled. Max gave Jane her drink and kissed her temple.

- "Well, let's the king of barbecues operates," Lucas told, cracking his fingers.

- "The king of barbecues? Really?" Mike said.

- "The last time the sausages burnt it was impossible to eat it!" Dustin stated.

- "Max ate them!" Beverly intervened.

- "I don't like wasting," Max replied.

- "Even Mike is better with barbecues," Will added.

- "Okay, I'll cook only for Gabrielle and Jane because I love only them," Lucas told, faking his upset.

- "Um...if they are right, I would prefer you to cook only for Jane!" Gabrielle joked.

They all turned to Jane who wasn't objecting.

- "I burnt water, I can survive to burnt sausages," Jane shrugged.

They all giggled before beginning the barbecue. Lucas, Gabrielle, Dustin, and Will were around the barbecue while Mike and Bev were sitting at the table and Jane and Max were standing a bit further.

- "So? You go to New-York?" Max asked, her arm on her shoulder and caressing her cheek.

- "Yeah...I have no other option and it's still a big opportunity," Jane answered with a sad smile.

- "Of course it is! You did it with a broken body, it's impressive!"

- "Yeah, Italy then?"

- "Yep, I'm gonna miss you..."

- "I'll miss you too...But I'll call you, and you'll call me, right?" Jane said.

- "Of course," Max softly smiled. "It won't be too long for you?"

- "I can wait, and you?"

- "I can wait too, I'll be too bother to learn how to make pizzas!"

Jane lightly chuckled. Max leaned to kiss her girlfriend.

Jane lost all her excitment to become a cop. It was a thing she was doing to make her sister proud of her and proud of herself, like to show her she did well but now...It lost all its meaning. She would still try, but she didn't know if she wanted to. She was still feeling empty inside even if Max helped her a lot to mourn.

For now, the two girls wanted to enjoy their last summer with their friends before all going in different cities and living different lives. Not knowing what would happen to them.


Hi everyone! So, this is the end of my book.

Sequel --> Ghost

Thanks for all the support and all the comments, it was a real pleasure to read all of you :D

Thank you for reading and see you in another book ;)

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