Chapter 64 : The break up

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Max arrived early at school. She wanted to see Jane before there were too many people around, she was sure she was going to cry and didn't want to do it in front of everyone. She saw Jane at her locker and decided to join her. She had her left arm in a sling, a bandage on her nose, and some bruises on her face.

- "Hey," the redhead softly said.

- "Hey," Jane answered with an upset tone.

She turned and noticed a red mark on Max's cheek.

- "It's him too?"

The redhead nodded.

- "He wants me to break up with you."

- "Oh..."

- "I don't want to," Max told.

- "Me neither, but you have to," Jane said.

- "I don't know..." the redhead sighed. 

- "Max, he won't stop, you have to, we have to stop before he kills both of us!"

- "I can't do that Jane! This is too hard, you can't make me gay and leaving me like that!"

- "I'm not! I don't want you to finish like Loren!"

Max took a deep breath and rubbed her face. She felt stuck in this situation. Clearly, Jane was more important for her than what Neil was thinking! He wasn't her family, he had no right to tell her what to do! 

- "We could find another solution, without breaking up," Max tols with tears in her eyes.

- " don't think it's too risky?"

- "I refuse him to control my life, I love you and I hate him, my choice is made."

Jane had a weak smirk. Even if she was terrified by all of this, she felt a pleasant warm in her heart and stomach. It was the first time Max had told her she loved her.

- "I love you too," Jane smiled.

Max blushed and a smile grew on her face, even if her eyes were sad.

- "So, what do we do?" the redhead asked.

- "Um...we could see each other less, until...I don't know..." Jane proposed.

- "He won't change his mind."

- "I know."

- "But next year I'll be in college, so..."

Jane nodded before closing her locker. She saw that Max was sad, a tear was falling on her cheek, and wiped it with her thumb. Her pain in her shoulder came back and brought her back to reality because she had another problem.

- "He is an asshole," Jane angrily stated because of the pain. "In two weeks I'm supposed to take tests for many police academies! I'm screwed now!"

- "Oh shit! How you're gonna do!?"

- "I'll take some rest and try anyway! I have nothing to lose!"

- "You should take your Saturday," Max said.

- "I've been fired, so my Saturday is free and so are the next ones!"

Max found nothing to answer. Nothing could cheer her up. She had all the reasons to be mad, Neil just ruined all her chance to enter in a police academy, it was her dream! She just wrapped her arms around her, to comfort her. Jane hugged her with difficulties, her ribs were hurting a lot, and every movement with her arms were complicated.

- "I'm gonna miss you," Max told, breaking the hug.

- "I'm not far, I'll still be there."

- "Yeah, I know, but if he saw us together, he will kill you!"

- "Well, that sucks," Jane pouted.

- "Kinda," the redhead chuckled.

Max grabbed Jane's bandaged hand and began to walk in the halls with her. People were looking less at them and those who were, it was to smile to them. They have been joined by Mike whose face faded when he saw his two friends.

- "Shit, what happened to you!?"

- "Neil," the two girls answered.

- "Damn! What a shithead!"

- "Yeah, he wants us to break up!" Max told with anger.

- "Oh...and you did?"

- "Nope, did I ever listen to Neil before?" the redhead rhetorically asked.

- "Good point," Mike smiled. "What are you gonna do?"

- "I'll tell him we are no longer together, it was just a phase, blah blah blah, those kind of shit."

- "Okay, cool," the black-haired boy nodded. "How did he find out?"

- "Um...(looks at Jane who was looking at her too) I have no idea! Maybe someone told him or he saw us, I don't know...But he was really angry, he threatened to kill her!"

- "Shit, don't laugh with that, I'm pratically sure he would!"

- "Me too!"

- "I won't let him, even if he kicked my ass last Saturday, I can kick his ass too!" Jane intervened.

- "You already did! His nose is broken and now he is always whistling when he breaths, I can hear him coming like that!" Max explained with excitment.

- "He didn't go to hospital?" Mike frowned.

- "No, because he would have to explain that he assaulted an underage girl."

- "But he could invent a story!"

- "He has too much ego, if he goes to the hospital, it would mean that Jane had won, he is too proud, but for now, it's just pathetic," Max chuckled.

- "Oh! Nice one Jane," Mike smiled.

Jane saluted with her head, like if she just finished a show, which made laugh her friends. The three friends went to their first period, answering the questions of their other friends who hadn't heard the story.

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