Chapter 67 : The letter

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When Jane came back to school, she was more than angry. She didn't want to go to class, but she missed too much already and staying alone in her empty apartment wasn't a good idea. Her eyes were in a constant red and puffy. She arrived at her locker to take her books when someone leaned next to her.

- "Hey," the blonde girl softly said.

Jane didn't even look at her. She didn't want to know what other plan she had against her, what weak part of her she was going to use against her to humiliate her one more time! But she didn't care anymore, nothing was important now!

- "I'm sorry, for your sister," Abigail began. "I, I've lost my sister four years ago, and...I know what you are living..."

Jane slammed her locker and turned her head, breathing heavily with her nose and closing hard her fists.

- "I don't give a fuck!" Jane got worked up. "Do you hear me!? You fucking bitch! You can go fuck yourself! (pushes her) YOU HAVE NO IDEA OF WHAT I'M LIVING! (pushes again but more brutally) I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR LIFE! I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR APOLOGISES! (pushes her) GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! I DON'T WANNA SEE YOU!"

Troy ran to her and grabbed her by her waist to stop her while she was still yelling at Abigail and struggling in Troy's arms.

- "GO!" the boy ordered.

The blonde teen nodded and walked away quickly. Troy tightened his arms around her and forced her to sit on the floor. Jane stopped yelling, but she was still breathing heavily, with her mouth this time, with tears coming in her eyes.

- "Hey Jane, it's okay, it's okay," Troy softly said. "Did something happen ?"

- "You know about my sister!?" Jane asked angrier than she thought.

- "Yeah...I'm sorry..."

- "Yesterday...I got a letter from the New-York police academy and...I've passed the tests..."

- "Oh Jane! It's amazing!"

- "No, it's not!" Jane told with tears falling. "I ran to her room but she wasn't there! It was empty! EMPTY!"

Jane broke down again, Troy still holding her tight. The second after, Max approached slowly them, with wide opened eyes, not understanding what was wrong. She knelt in front of her, gently grabbed her head, and placed it on her chest before wrapping her arms around.

- "What happened?" Max mouthed with a frown.

Troy tried to explain rapidly what happened in a murmur not sure if Jane wanted to hear that again.

- "I come back tonight," the redhead told.

- "No," Jane sniffed. "You'll have problems with Neil."

- "I don't give a fuck right now, you clearly need someone with you, I'm not letting you alone!"

Jane didn't insist, it was useless anyway, and she deeply wanted Max to stay with her. When she was alone, she was depressing.

- "Can I let her with you?" Max asked with an angry tone.

- "Of course," Troy answered.

Max kissed Jane's forehead before standing and walking away. She had kept all that anger inside her for weeks now but it was too much! Three halls later, she found her, at her locker. Max grabbed her by her shoulder and blocked her against the row of lockers.

- "You fucking stay away from her, okay!?" Max angrily began. "She is mourning, she lost her sister in a tragic accident, she is hardly dealing with that, she doesn't need you and your stupid face to make stupid « apologises » about her sister! You're not even sorry for what you did to her! You're sorry because your sister's death is still in your mind, but she doesn't need to know that! You totally destroy her because Troy was liking her more than you! You assaulted her whereas she was just walking in the forest and now she doesn't even want to walk next to it, you raped her in this fucking locker room where she had to cut a dick and the worst part was that she was feeling bad for it! She felt bad every day because of you and your stupid fucking sick mind! I don't even know why you're still here, you should be in jail or in a psychiatric hospital! She didn't want me to get revenge for her, but I promise, if you approach her one more time, if you talk to her, if you walk in the same hall as her, or if you even just look at her, you should better run. Am I clear!?"

Abigail quickly nodded with terrified eyes. Max brutally freed her. She needed a big strenght to not punch her in her face. She went back to Jane who was sitting against her locker with Troy next to her.

- "Where were you?" Jane asked with tears in her eyes.

- "I needed to talk to someone," Max answered, managing to calm down. "How are you?"

Jane shrugged. Max sat next to her. Troy was going to stand, but Max told him he could stay if he wanted. Of course, he accepted the invitation, wanting to support his friend. Jane managed to stop crying, she was between two persons she trusted, it was reassuring her a lot.

After class, Max went to her home. She was hoping to not see her mother and Neil but both of them were here. She went directly to her room, ignoring them, packed all her stuff, she didn't have really lots of things so it was fast. Once in the living room with all her bags, Neil and her mother looked at her with a frown.

- "Where are you going!?" Neil angrily asked like if he already knew the answer.

- "Why do you care!?" Max snapped.

- "Don't talk to me like that Maxine," the man threatened.

- "If you wanna know, I'm leaving, because I'm done of you and all your shit!"

- "Where are you going?" Susan asked with a weak voice.

- "With Jane."

- "This dyke!?" Neil stated.

- "Yes, this dyke, 'cause I'm a dyke too! She just lost her sister, she is sad, living something who should have never happened, and there is no way for me to let her live this alone! So, I packed my stuff and you won't see me again!"

- "Never?" the mother told with tears in her eyes.

- "Maybe if you both decide to not be assholes anymore! Billy disappeared for a reason and guess what!? I'm doing the same! I finish my school year and then I'll go in college far from both of you! And don't try to follow me or I'll let a complain against both of you!"

She didn't let them answer and quickly walked outside.

- "AND IT'S MAX!" the redhead yelled before slamming the door.

She heard some yells and cries coming from her house, but she didn't look back. They were part of her past now and she had to focus on Jane now.

She arrived at Jane's apartment and the brunette greeted her with a small smile.

- "Did it end bad?" Jane asked with a small voice.

- "I left my mom, it kinda ended bad, but I prefer being with you, until you want to get rid of me," Max answered.

- "Okay, I hope I won't have to get rid of you!"

- "Me neither!"

Jane hugged Max. She knew even if she wasn't feeling good with Neil and Susan, it was still hard to abandon her life like that. It was just for a few months anyway, they would probably go to different cities the next year.

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