Chapter 12 : Bus travel

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As usual for the senior years, the school organised a travel with all the students for three days to visit many places like churches and museum. The party entered the bus with their backpacks and noticed Jane already sitting, with no one next to her.

- "Hey Jane! Can I?" Max asked.

- "Oh, yeah, of course," the other girl smiled, taking off her bag from the seat.

There were no seats in front of them, because of the door. Will was sitting alone in the row next to them, Mike and Lucas in front of him, and Dustin and Beverly in front of them. Max was feeling bad for letting Will alone, but she was hoping for Clara or an other girl to sit with him. At least he could talk with them. But Max wanted to be closer to Jane too, she didn't know why, but she had this weird feeling inside her body which was not unpleasant.

A group of loud teens entered the bus for the party's biggest pleasure. It was the football team and the cheerleaders. They sat in the back of the bus, right behind them. Will was relieved because none of them sat next to him.

The bus was almost full and ready to go when the last student entered the bus, out of breath.

- "Hey Troy!" the back of the bus yelled.

- "We kept you a place next to your best friend," one of them mocked.

The young boy approached and noticed that the only seat free was next to Will, who was now pale of fear and embarrassment. Troy's friends were laughing while Will's friends were looking at each other, trying to help.

- "Exchange with me Will," Jane intervened, taking her stuff. "I'll sit next to Troy."

The young boy didn't say anything and obeyed, whispering a « thank you » when they exchanged. Troy was next to the window while Jane was on the corridor side. She spent the first half of the travel talking with the party which irritated Troy.

- "I'm punished now!?" the young boy asked.

Jane finished her conversation with Max and Will before slowly turning to him.

- "What are you talking about?" the young girl frowned.

- "You ignore me, I'm bored."

- "Why don't you talk to your friends?"

- "You're my friend."

- "Really?"

- "Um...yeah, I mean, we are not friends?" Troy told with doubt.

- "Well, you are a bully, I don't want to be friend with someone who humiliates and hurts people for fun," Jane sharply replied.

- "I, I, I don't do it for fun..."

- "But you admit you're a bully?"

- "No! I mean...maybe I am, I don't know..."

- "You are not even conscious of what you are doing, it's really sad," Jane stated. "I wish someone will humiliate and hurt you like you do. Maybe you willl understand it's not just jokes and not fun to make someone feels bad for who they are, who they love, or what they love."

- "I'm sorry..."

- "No, don't say that if you don't mean it."

Troy remained silent. He crossed his arms and looked outside, upset. He didn't like to feel excluded, he was usually surrounded by people, but now he was alone, he was hoping Jane to be more talkative with him, but she preferred talking with the losers.

- "I've always been nice with you."

- "You remember my first day at school? And the nice movement you made with your body?" Jane replied.

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