Chapter 21 : Mechanics

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Jane went back in class after her quarrel with her teacher. She was in mechanics, and she sat with Lucas, who was looking at her with big eyes.

- "What?" Jane frowned.

- "Nothing, it was not expected, that's all," Lucas shrugged.

- "Yeah, I wasn't expecting that too."

- "It was cool, Mr. Johnson is backward, I don't understand how you can teach psychology with such a scrimpy mind!"

- "Me neither."

- "Max and Bev had already had problems with him," Lucas told.

- "Really? What happened?" Jane asked with a curious tone.

- "Well, you know them, they are not really into girly things, and they don't have their tongues in their pockets. One day, I don't really remember the origin of the debate, but he told them that stupid girls shouldn't be allowed to do skateboard, that it was a shame for the professionals."

- "What!? Is it a joke!? What an asshole!" the girl got worked up.

- "That's exactly what Bev told him, she yelled in the corridor : « You are an asshole! You can't treat people like that! Go fuck yourself! » and then, Max spat on him."

- "She what!?" Jane exclaimed with wide opened eyes and a big smile.

- "She spat on him," Lucas repeated with a smile.

Jane laughed out loud in the class, imagining the scene. Lucas wrapped his arm around her to cover her mouth. The girl managed to calm down before the teacher could tell her anything.

- "Be careful or you will go back to the headmaster," Lucas chuckled.

- "Oh please no, I just got out!"

When the teacher finished to explain the theory, the teens were doing some practices. Lucas and Jane went to a car and had to diagnose what was wrong with the engine. After eight false propositions, they finally got the right answer, allowing them to leave the class. A black-haired girl was waiting in front of the door.

- "Wow," whispered Jane whispered, hoping that Lucas didn't hear her.

Lucas frowned with a smirk. He heard Jane and noticed she was looking at the girl with insistance.

- "It's Gabrielle," the young boy told.

- "Oh, okay, she is..."

- "Pretty, right?"

- "I, I guess," Jane stuttered, concentrating to not blush.

She approached them with a smile which didn't let Jane indifferent.

- "Hey Gab," Lucas greeted.

- "Hey Sinclair, you are ready?" Gabrielle asked.

- "More than ever," the boy smiled.

Jane watched them interacting like if she wasn't here. After a moment, Lucas noticed that Gabrielle was always looking next to him.

- "Oh, sorry," Lucas pouted, "Gabrielle, this is Jane, Jane, this is Gabrielle."

- "Nice to meet you," Gabrielle smiled, shaking Jane's hand.

- "Yeah, me too. I, I, I'll let you alone, good luck. No, I mean,, yeah, have a good day," Jane clumsily said. "I should go, bye."

Jane quickly walked away from them. Lucas was smiling while Gabrielle was frowning.

- "Is she okay?" Gabrielle asked with a concerned tone.

- "Yes, she is fine. I think she likes you."

- "Oh, cool, at least one of your friends likes me."

- "The others will like you too, believe me," Lucas reassured.

Lucas offered his arm to his friend, who accepted it with pleasure. Lucas had the courage to invite her for spending more time together after school, and now, they were going to the mall to eat something and walking between the shops.

Jane, as for her, was in direction of the store. She couldn't believe her right now, stupid hormones. Why was she attracted to every girls around!? She didn't know. She thought it was because her last relation ended two years ago, but it was on purpose that she didn't want another one, it was too soon, she was not ready. Her mind wasn't ready. But, maybe her body was. She needed to figure it out before she transformed herself in a giant tomato. But she had other problems for now.

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