Chapter 23 : The kiss

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Max was feeling bad for her behavior toward Jane the day before. She didn't know why she was so angry at her and Troy talking, she already knew they were friends but yesterday it was too much. The hormones again, probably. But today, she was going to apologize, Jane didn't deserve to be victim of her stupid crush. She arrived in the changing room and noticed that Jane was already here by seeing her jacket and khaki backpack. She quickly changed and went directly to the field without waiting for Bev. Jane was pacing with her headphone but with worried eyes. The redhead approached, but the other girl hadn't noticed her. She tapped her shoulder which made her start.

- "Oh, sorry, I didn't want to scare you," Max pouted.

- "It's fine, don't worry," Jane said.

- "I, I'm sorry too for...yesterday, I don't know why I was so angry, sorry..."

- "Okay, um...thank you."

- "You're stressing for...your personal thing?"

- "Oh, yeah, it's tomorrow's like the time is too slow and too fast at the same time," Jane sighed.

- "Wow, you're really fearing it," Max stated.

Jane nodded and looked down. She was feeling the tears coming but didn't want to cry in front of her.

- "Your sister didn't have problem with Neil?" the redhead asked, wanting to change the subject.

- "No," Jane sniffed, quickly wiping a tear. "She saw him while she was buying food, but he didn't say anything."

- "Cool, he can go too far sometimes, I wanted to be sure."

- "Yeah, I don't want to be rude, but he should be the one to worry."

- "You're not rude, I thought exactly the same thing during their quarrel," Max chuckled.

Jane giggled which warmed Max's heart. The other girls arrived and the training began. Even if Max managed to change Jane's mind, the girl couldn't stop thinking of the next day. It was felt on her way to play, she was missing all the passes, all the shoots, she was not listening to the instructions the coach was giving, and she was a bit flabby. Max and Beverly tried everything to cheer her up but in vain, Jane was still preoccupied. The coach was really mad and asked Jane to stay a bit after the training. All the girls left the field to change, all wondering what was wrong with Jane.

- "You don't come?" Beverly asked, ready to go.

- "I, I'm gonna wait for her, if you don't mind," Max answered.

- "Okay, I see you on Monday."

Max nodded and waited, her bag on her back, ready to go. She wanted to see Jane before leaving, it was stronger than her, she wanted to spend time with her, and she wanted to talk to her about those weird sensations toward her.

Jane entered the changing room with an angry face and began to change quickly.

- "You okay? What happened?" Max frowned.

- "I'm a burden for the team, my personal problems shouldn't be everyone's problems and more shit like this!" Jane angrily explained.

- "What!? Is it a joke!? Just because you were not in the mood today!?"

- "Exactly! This woman hates me since the beginning anyway! And now I'm gonna be late!"

- "Hey (grabbs her shoulders) calm down. How do you know she hates you?"

- "I know when someone hates me, I can see it on their face."

- "Really? It's cool, me I know they hate me because...everybody does."

- "I don't hate you," said Jane said.

- "Yeah, you are one of the rare people who tolerate me. But I'm not stupid, I can be rude, I'm loud, and when I have to say something, I just say it. Not everybody likes it," Max stated.

- "I do. At least you're not hypocritical, I like it. Not like this bitch!"

Jane liked her. That was all she heard. Her heart was going to explode, in a pulsion, she gently put her hands on Jane's cheeks and placed her lips on the other girl's. The butterflies in her stomach were in a hurricane. Jane's lips were soft, and she had the feeling that Jane was kissing back. The door of the changing room opening brutally surprised the two girls. In the panic, Max pushed Jane who hit the wall behind her, and put her hands on her mouth like if she just did something bad.

Jane was breathing heavily with her nose. She wasn't expecting this from Max and would have enjoyed it if the coach hadn't arose in the room without warning. She knew she was in trouble by the way she was looking at her.

- "You, you wait for me in the boys' room," the woman angrily ordered.

Jane didn't wait a second and clumsily grabbed her stuff before running outside. Max was still turning her back to the door and didn't know what her coach was going to tell her. The woman approached and placed an hand on the young girl's shoulder.

- "I won't tell anyone, she shouldn't have done this, I knew something was wrong with her."

Max stayed dazed. She found nothing to answer, still shocked by what she just did. She left the room, still thinking of this kiss, of the bubbling feelings, the soft lips, confirming her feelings for Jane.

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