Chapter 46 : The party

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One week passed, and Jane hadn't problems, which surprised her. She wondered if they weren't preparing something stronger and worse. She had more dates with Max, and the redhead was comfier now, which was making the brunette happy. But, for now, she was in direction of the house of a person she didn't know. Mike and the others insisted for her to come at this big party, but she didn't really want to go, she would have preferred staying in her couch, watching TV, and finishing the burger she began the day before. But nooo, she accepted to go to this stupid party. She would stay an hour and then go back to her apartment as fast as possible. Her friends were already in front of it, waiting for her. The house was big with a loud music inside, some teens were doing alcohol games inside, some already drunk or high.

- "Hey Jane," Will greeted.

- "You made it!" Dustin joked.

- "Yeah, whou," Jane answered with no enthusiasm.

- "Oh whaou, calm down Jane, we are not inside yet," Max sarcastically told.

The others laughed while Jane winced at her with a small smile. Lucas made a movement with his head to invite them to go inside. The music was louder than Jane thought even if from the outside it was already loud. Teens were dancing and jumping while screaming the lyrics when there were some, shoving everyone around. Jane was trying to follow her friends, protecting herself with her arms. Beverly, who was in front of her, looked behind and saw her friend's distress. She had a small amused sigh, grabbed her arm, and placed her in front of her, placing her hands on her shoulders.

- "YOU OKAY?" Bev loudly asked because of the music.

- "I TOLD YOU I DIDN'T LIKE PARTIES!" Jane grumbled, uncomfortable.


Jane kept grumbling with her hands which made chuckle the redhead behind her. After a long travel, they finally reached the living room with, surprisely, no one in the couch. They didn't hesitate and sat on it and in the armchairs around. Bev on the right of the couch, then Jane, Max, and finally Mike, Lucas and Will were in the same armchair at the left of Mike, and Dustin in their left on a chair.

- "See, it's quiet," Bev smiled.

- "Not that much," Jane kept growling.

- "You're so grumpy sometimes," Max mocked.

- "I hate parties."

- "Yeah, we know."

- "Why did you force me to come then!?"

- "I didn't force you! We asked you if you wanted to come, that's all!"

- "Mike bothered me all week to come!"

- "Mike is a bitch."

- "Hey!" the boy exclaimed next to them. "You know I can hear you at this distance!"

- "Yeah, I know!" Max chuckled.

Mike gently pushed her which made her push her two friends on her right and made Jane grumble a bit more.

- "You're cute when you growl," Max murmured to her ear.

- "Good, 'cause I do it often,"Jane said.

Max made a movement to kiss Jane's cheek, but she remembered they were in public with almost the entire school and leaned back. Bev looked at her with her eyebrows raised and a small and amused smile while Max was pouting, a bit frustrated. Luckily, no one except Bev and Jane noticed her almost contact with her girlfriend. Bev hugged Jane which surprised the girl.

- "What are you doing!?" Jane frowned.

- "I'm hugging you, as Max can't," Bev answered.

- "Stop it, you could have problems."

Bev sighed, she slowly broke the hug and gave a quick kiss on her cheek. The boys all noticed that and got closer to each other to talk more privately.

- "Do you think Bev and Jane are dating?" Dustin asked.

- "I don't know, they seem really close," Lucas stated.

- "Maybe it's just a flirt," Will told.

- "I don't think, I saw them a lot together, not just in class," Mike said.

- "It could be a good thing, like that Jane could assume more herself," Lucas told.

All the boys nodded, all agreeing. They leaned back to talk with the girls too. Dustin and Lucas stood to bring some things to eat and a drink to each one. During the party, the group of friends had been joined by Gabrielle and Clara. But what Jane saw was stressing her. Alban and Abigail were a bit further, murmuring things and giving some quick looks to her.

- "I'm sure they are preparing something," Jane stated.

- "You're sure you're not paranoïd?" Bev joked.

- "No, I'm not."

Beverly watched the two teens and realised that maybe Jane wasn't paranoïd. The two seemed suspects. And they were more suspects when, with more teens, they approached the party and surrounded them.

- "Hey losers," Abigail said with a mocking tone.

They all frowned except Jane who was trying to sink in the couch. Troy, who was a bit further, approached them when he saw what was happening.

- "Don't worry, we are not here for everyone, just...Jane," the cheerleader smirked.

- "What don't you just go fuck yourself!?" Mike replied.

- "Shut up Frog Face, no one asked you to croak," Alban ordered.

- "Dude, what's happening?" Troy intervened.

- "(wraps his arm around Troy and brings him closer to them) It's for you my friend, (points at Jane) this bitch is just another slut who is waiting the right dick!"

- "What!? Stop that, it's ridiculous!" Troy got angry, pushing his ex-friend.

- "That's what we will see!"

Alban gave two taps on Troy's shoulder before walking to Jane. Some of his friends grabbed Max and the others to be sure they won't bother him. Alban placed his knees on each Jane's side, his member at the level of her face. He had a dirty laugh, supported by his friends around while Troy and the party was struggling and yelling at him to stop. But Alban wasn't listening, he plunged his hand in his underwear and began to touch himself. Jane was strangely calm. She looked up at him with dark eyes while he was bragging to his friends who were encouraging him.

She gave a headbutt between his legs, crushing his hand against his dick and balls. The boy screamed of pain and got off the couch with difficulties. Jane didn't stop here, she stood, grabbed his wrist and twisted his arm in his back. She wrapped her other arm around his neck and tightened. Alban was struggling to put off her arm around his neck but his face was becoming red, looking for air.

- "Do you really think you are the first one who did this to me!?" Jane angrily said in his ear. "Do you really think no one tried before you!?"

The others around were shocked by this scene, Jane's friends a bit proud and happy to see Alban in such position. But they began to wonder if she was going to kill him. His face was becoming blue, his eyes were bulging and red and his arms seemed weak.

- "Jane, don't kill him," Max calmly intervened.

Jane clenched her jaw but finally released him. Alban fell on the floor and took a deep breath, not able to say a word. Abigail was killing her with her eyes, her plan totally failed and she was determined to hurt her more than before. Jane didn't say anything, she took her bag and left the party. Everyone just did the same, still shocked about this.

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