Chapter 61 : The Spring Dance

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The party met in front of the gymnasium. They were all stressed, it was their last dance like that in their High School, it had something special. But the more two stressed were Max and Jane, both not really ready for this night. Max opted for something looking like a suit but with a normal tee-shirt under the jacket and black jeans while Jane was wearing a dress with her leather jacket. Max was proud of Jane, of course she was looking very pretty in this dress, but she was showing and assuming her chest in front of everyone. Everyone was with their dates, Lucas with Gabrielle, Mike with Alison, Dustin with Suzie, Will with Bev, and Max with Jane. Once ready, they entered the gymnasium. There were already lots of people inside, dancing on the field. But they didn't join them, they preferred looking for a free table. Once sat, they didn't know what to do, it wasn't really the kind of place they liked to be. But Jane stood and began to walk away.

- "Where are you going!?" Bev asked.

- "I'm hungry!" Jane sharply answered, keeping walking.

They all frowned to Max.

- "She is pissed because we can't dance together!" the redhead explained. "Don't worry, it will pass."

They all nodded. They were feeling sorry for their two friends. They couldn't dance together like everyone else just because they were two girls. Will was feeling guilty, he was gay but he was with a girl and no one knew he was gay. Jane came back with a plate full of food and two drinks. She placed it between her and Max.

- "You didn't bring something for us?" Dustin asked with a disappointed tone.

- "I'm not dating all of you, you can go by your own, and I don't have enough arms anyway!" Jane answered with an angry tone.

Max smirked. She thought Jane was cute when she was in a bad mood, but she was never mean to her, it was even cuter.

Later in the night, the moment the two girls were fearing happened. A slow dance song began and lots of couple went on the field. Their friends hesitated, but Jane ordered them to go. Other people weren't dancing, majority because they were alone or making out, but at least the two girls were not the only ones to not dance. Max turned to Jane who was clenching her jaw and looking down.

- "Dance with me," Max said with assurance.

- "What?" Jane frowned.

- "Look, I don't want the assholes to think they won, I wanna dance with you, I won't hide my whole life my relation with you! I mean, when we live together in our apartment with our cat, and when we have dates in town, when you are a cop and you come to see me in my restaurant when you are hungry, I won't hide it Jane, I want to dance with you, I want to hold your hand in the street, I want to kiss you when we want, I want all of this!"

- " really think of all of this? I mean, the apartment, me coming to your restaurant..."

- "Um...I, I don't want to scare you but, sometimes, I like to imagine where we could be in a few years...I know it's a bit early but...why not..."

Jane couldn't hold her smile. All her words warmed and melt her heart. It was so reassuring to see Max seeing a futur with her inside, she couldn't resist to that. Jane stood and held out her hand.

- "Let's dance."

The redhead smiled and placed her hand in Jane's before standing. She could feel that Jane was stressing, but she was still doing it. Her girlfriend took her in the middle of the field before placing her hands on her waist, Max's hands around her neck.

- "Don't look a them Jane, just look at me," Max softly said.

- "I'm trying," Jane answered with a shaking voice.

Max was feeling her hands shaking on her waist. Jane kept looking around with worried eyes. Max placed her forehead on Jane's to force the girl to look at her.

- "Ignore them, we are with our friends, no one will bother you," Max tried to reassure.

- " can you be this relax?"

- "Because I'm with you, you make me soft. And gay," the redhead joked.

Jane had a small chuckle. Max put her hands on Jane's cheeks to caress them. She wanted her to relax, and Jane was very sensitive to touch. Jane kept looking around but something got her attention.

- "What's wrong?" Max frowned.

- "Look," Jane said, showing behind with her chin.

Max turned her head and saw Clara dancing with a girl, and two boys dancing together, and more going to the field, assuming who they were.

- "I told you she was going to find her Jane," Max said.

Jane smiled. Seeing other people like them, dancing with everyone was giving her some hope and courage. She leaned to Max and kissed her. The redhead was surprise but happily accepted the kiss. When they broke the kiss, both were smiling and blushing. Max put her head on Jane's shoulder, her face hid in her neck while Jane wrapped her arms around her to get her closer to her. For the first time, Jane was feeling normal and allowed to be. This Spring Dance was the beginning of something new.

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