Chapter 51 : Serious talk

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Max hadn't stopped thinking of what Beverly told her the day before. It was turning again and again in her head and needed to talk about it before she stressed too much and ran away from Jane. She arrived in front of her door who opened while she was going to knock. Jane's sister appeared with a start, with a surprised face.

- "Um...Jane is in her room," the blonde girl said, letting her enter.

- "Thanks," Max frowned.

The redhead entered while Constance closed the door, probably going to work. Max froze a moment in the corridor. Talking about this after such a short time sounded crazy to her, and it would probably sound crazy to Jane too! But it was too late to step back, her sister saw her, she would tell Jane she was there, Jane would ask her why she came but didn't come to her, it would make things worse. She took a deep breath and slowly walked in front of Jane's room. She didn't know what she was doing but it was noisy and the girl didn't hear her knocking at the door. She slowly opened it and slid her head. Her girlfriend was punching her boxing bag with her headphone on her ears. She entered and leaned against the wall, waiting for her to notice her presence. Jane turned and had a big jump when she saw her, before collapsing on her bed. Max sat next to her while she laughing, and put off her headphone.

- "God! You scared the shit out of me!" Jane told, breathing heavily.

- "Yeah, I saw!" Max smiled.

- "(straightens) Did we have a date?"

- "No, no, I wanted to talk to you...about something..."

- " want to break up..."

- "What!? No! Fucking no!"

- "Oh! Good, then, I'm listening," Jane smiled, relieved.

Jane stood and took a towel to wipe her sweating face and under her tee-shirt while Max was fidgeting a bit and looking away, feeling anxious and ridiculous.

- "Hey, what is it? Is everything okay?" Jane asked with a concerned tone.

- "Yeah, yeah! Nothing bad, don't worry, it's just...I, I don't know how to approach the subject..."

- "Okay, uh...take your time then."

Max took a deep breath before beginnig :

- "You remember last Friday night? (Jane nods) Before falling asleep we kissed an-"

- "Look," Jane cut, "if I've been too far, I'm sorry, it wasn't the goal, I wasn't trying know."

- "Yeah, I know, it's fine, it's not the problem," Max reassured.

- "Oh, then what is it?"

- "Um...I, I'm still a bit uncomfortable to...touch you, I mean, I don't know where I can...and...where I can't..."

Jane pouted and nodded. She crossed her arms and sat next to her girlfriend, looking at her floor.

- "You think I'm weird, I was sure of that!" Max said. "I should go!"

- "No, (puts her hand on Max's arm) it's not that, it's not weird at all, I'm happy you talk to me about your...insecurities but..."

- "But what?"

- "I, I don't know..."

- "You don't want to go further with me, that's it?"

- "(rolls her eyes) Can you stop a bit, I'm trying to tell something too!" Jane softly told, a bit upset.

- "Okay, sorry, go on," Max encouraged.

Jane opened her mouth but no words came out. She didn't know how to explain what was blocking her so she decided to show her. She began to put off her tee-shirt.

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