Chapter 60 : The surprise

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Mike, Lucas, Dustin, Will, and Beverly were in front of Max's house. The group reunited to make a surprise to Max for her birthday.

- "You all know she is going to hate us after that, right?" Will stated.

- "Yes, but I'm sure she will have a good day," Lucas answered.

- "When is supposed to arrive Jane?" Mike asked, looking at his watch.

- "I don't know, maybe she didn't have her day," Beverly said.

- "Oh...we can get Max and see her at her work after," Dustin proposed.

- "Sounds good."

The group nodded and went to the door. They knocked and it was her mother who opened them. She smiled and invited them to enter.

- "She is still asleep, she invited a friend yesterday, they went to sleep really late," the mother explained.

The friends just nodded. The mother told them she had to go to work and can't stay with them. She took her stuff and left the house.

- "A friend?" Lucas frowned.

- "Jane is already there?" Mike asked.

- "There is only one way to know!" Dustin said.

The curly-haired boy walked in direction of Max's room, followed by Mike, Lucas, and Beverly, Will, not wanting to be intrusive, stayed in the kitchen. Dustin slowly opened the door before entering in the dark room. They entered, with only the light of the corridor to guide them. The four friends stood in line, Mike at the right, then Lucas, Dustin, and finally Bev. They couldn't clearly see, but what they saw was enough. Max was on her back, her head turned to the window on her right, with Jane on her, very close to her face, both asleep under the blanket.

- "What do we do now?" Lucas murmured.

- "Um...they are pretty close, you don't think?" Dustin stated.

- "They are pretty good friends, at least Max is not bothered by Jane's homosexuality, it's pretty cool," Mike said.

Bev couldn't believe them, how had they not understood it yet? She was trying to hold her smile, but the situation was too funny. Max began to move in her bed, the light from the corridor probably woke her up. She opened an eye and looked at her alarm clock.

- "Jane," the girl mumbled, lightly shaking her. "Jane."

- "Mmh?"

- "Move, I can't feel my arm."

- "You don't need your arm now, I wanna sleep."

Max pouted and raised Jane's head to move her arm. She looked at her left and saw her bunch of friends.

- "What the fuck!?" the girl exclaimed. "What are you doing here!?"

At her words, Jane opened her eyes and took support on her arms, showing a bit what was under the blanket.

- "Oh my god!" Lucas told in surprise, putting his hand on his eyes.

- "You are naked!" Dustin stated.

Max and Jane both looked at each other, realising he was right, and the redhead grabbed her girlfriend to bring her back on her again, to hide it. Lucas and Dustin were lost in a « Oh my god » symphony not knowing where to look while Mike was all red, and Bev was laughing.

- "Get out of my room, pervets!" Max ordered, throwing them a pillow.

Dustin and Lucas half ran to the outside while Mike was slowly walking outside, Bev, the last one. Before closing the door, she turned to the two girls and raised her two thumbs to them with a big smile. Max giggled and threw another pillow to her, making her close the door.

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