Chapter 48 : Pussy

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It was Monday morning, and Jane was stressing about school. She knew she went too far last Friday night at the party, Alban had too much ego to let this happen without doing anything. She met Dustin and Mike in front of the school, the two boys decided to walk with her at her locker. New tags were on it : « Don't eat this pussy ». Jane's face became pale, and her body was shaking. She wasn't sure, but she thought she knew what was inside.

- "What's that smell?" Mike frowned, sniffing loudly.

Dustin began to smell loudly too. They both approached the locker and realised it was coming from inside. They turned to Jane who had a sad and worried frown. She shakingly reached her hand to her locker, unlocked it but didn't open. She took many deep breaths to calm her racing heart. With a hint of courage she began to open it. An horrible smell of rotten escaped, making wince the three teens. A dead body of a kitty was tied on the door of her locker, his member in a X with written « SLUT » on his small body. The two boys had a weird disgusted and shocked noise, like a mix between « Yuck! » and « Aaah! ».

Jane had an internal reaction. She was sure it was Abigail and Alban. The position of the cat, the word written, it was the same as in the forest but on her. She didn't know if she was angry, sad, stressed, or terrified. Probably all of this.

Mike and Dustin had covered their mouths and noses with their jackets, under the disgusted and mocking looks of the other teens. The black-haired boy turned to his friend and noticed her pale face, her wet eyes, and her shaking body.

- "Take her outside, I'll take care of that," a voice behind them said.

Dustin and Mike frowned at each other before turning. Troy was behind them, looking at the dead cat with angry eyes. The two other boys didn't discuss and obeyed. Once outside, they sat her on the steps of the stairs, Dustin wrapping his arm around her. The other of the group all arrived one by one, Max the last ine, with the same question :

- "What the hell happened!?" Max asked.

- "Some people put a dead cat inside her locker," Dustin explained.

- "We all know who did that," Lucas angrily stated.

- "Fuck, what are we supposed to do to stop them!?" Max told with the same tone.

The redhead rubbed her face like if the anger could disappear. She never wished so badly the death of two people before! She took a deep breath to calm herself.

- "The cat, it wasn't yours, right?" the redhead calmly asked.

Jane gulped and shook her head to say no, her hand tensing her tee-shirt on her chest.

- "Okay, good."

- "They...killed a cat just to scare her! You know what kind of persons killed animals for the pleasure!?" Beverly told. "Psychopaths, those persons are completely sick in their heads!"

- "We already knew that," Will added.

- "We need to tell the principal and to call the police!" Mike said.

- "No," Jane intervened with a cold tone. "It's useless."

The young girl stood, took her bag and walked in direction of the inside of the school under the dazed looks of her friends.

- "Where are you going!?" Max frowned.

- "Dying in a corner!" Jane answered with anger.

They watched her enter the school without knowing what to say.

- "We should talk to her," Bev said.

- "To tell her what!?" Max replied with an upset tone. "That everything will be okay!? I can't tell her that because I'm sure it won't! They are just getting worse and worse, pushing her to the edge, waiting for her to break down! They fucking killed a cat! They are trying to get in her head! Jane is physically and mentally strong, but if they destroy their mind, they can do what the hell they want to her! She won't fight anymore! She will let them kill her because she will think it's her fate! That she deserves it!"

Max shook her head, like if she wasn't believing what was happening to Jane. No one answered her, they all knew she was right. The bell rang, forcing them to go to their first period : History. Jane was already in class, clenching her jaw and watching outside with red puffy eyes. The party watched Alban who had a proud and pedantic smile.

- "Look at him, he is pathetic," Mike grumbled.

Max couldn't let that happen. She quickly walked to him and leaned on the desk, looking at him with dark eyes.

- "Next time, I won't tell her to not kill you, I'll even help her to do it," the redhead told with a deep voice.

- "Are you threatening me?" the blonde boy smirked.

- "No, I'm just telling what's going to happen."

Alban's smile faded. Max was kinda proud of herself, she knew he wouldn't stop, but at least he stopped bragging to be a jerk. When the redhead sat, she gave a quick look to Jane. The brunette was looking at her too, with a small smile.

The rest of the week was a bit calmer. Alban and Abigail still mocked Jane, pushed her against her locker or asked her how her chest was with a laugh. Even if it was less than the cat, it was still hard to support everyday in front of people who didn't care, who were even laughing with them, like if it was normal, like it wasn't hurting her. She almost hadn't slept of the week, fearing the worst.

- "Hey," Max softly said.

The two girls were in direction of the store, school was over for this week.

- "You're okay?"

- "Yeah, yeah, just lost in my thoughts..." Jane answered.

- "Okay. If you don't want me to come tomorrow to take some rest, it's fine, I understand."

- "No, no, you can come, I can take some rest with you," Jane weakly smiled. "And...I don't think it's a good idea for me to stay know, dark thoughts."

- "Yeah, I know what it's like."

- "My sister works all night and begins early tomorrow...if, if you wanna come tonight and spend the night at my apartment, with me, you're welcomed," the brunette shyly proposed.

- "I, I don't want to impose myself."

- "You're not, I'm asking you, but if you prefer coming only tom-"

- "No, no, I'm good, I would love to," Max softly cut.

- "Cool," Jane smiled.

- "Your sister won't mind?"

- "No, you won't even see her. She finishes at 2 or 3am and tomorrow she begins at 8am, so..."

- "Oh wow, she never sleeps!?"

- "Tomorrow night, in front of a movie we both won't see," Jane answered with an amused smile.

- "You don't see her a lot," Max stated.

- "No, but we try to spend the most time possible when we can."

The two girls arrived in front of the store. Max left her and went back to her home to pack up some stuff and waiting Jane after her work. She was so happy that Jane asked her to spend the night with her, it was better than what she planned.

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