Chapter 28 : Life is unfair

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It was 5 am and, as usual, Jane woke up. She got ready, trying to make the least noises possible to not awake her sister. She slowly opened her door and began to walk in the corridor on tip toes when suddenly, the kitchen's lamp lighted.

- "Where do you think you are going!?" Constance firmly asked.

The young girl turned her head to see her sister sitting at the round table in the middle, the furniture on the left, and the living room on the right.

- "Um...running?" Jane answered with a tensed smile.

- "No, I don't think so."

- "What!? But why!?"

Constance stood and slowly approached her sister.

- "Because you have two days of suspension, you're not in vacation."

- "But I—"

- "But nothing Jane! You've been too far yesterday! I thought I was clear but apparently not. I want you to stay at home the two entire days to think about your behavior!" Constance told.

- "I don't need two days to think!" Jane got angry.

- "Then, use your free time to catch up what you missed yesterday and what you're gonna miss those two days. I'm sure you have enough to do to keep you busy this long."

- "But it's not fair! It wasn't even my fault!"

- "From the moment you decided to use his head as a hammer, it became your fault!"

- "He provoked me and talked about mom! I won't allow anyone to talk about mom ! No one can talk about mom! NO ONE! (hits the wall next to her) NO ONE!" Jane yelled.

Jane stopped a moment and just stared at her sister. This anger she had contained for years was exploding more and more with the days, and it was scaring her.

- "I told you I didn't want to see her again. She is dead for me, her body is alive, but her brain is fucked up, and I need to do my mourning correctly, but everytime we come to her, I'm angry and sad and I hate everyone. Mom is dead, nothing can save her now, not even our visits every month. I'm tired of worrying for someone who doesn't know who I am, who thinks I'm just a friend for a day," Jane firmly explained with tears in her eyes and her throat tightening. "I have enough to deal with me, I don't have the time and the energy to do it, school is becoming hell and the only moment where I feel good is when I run or ride my bike with music in my ears, not hearing all the haters reminding me that I'm gay, like if I already didn't know! I'm eighteen next month, if I wanna run I just run."

- "Then run in your room, 'cause you're not leaving."

Jane saw red. She wanted to break everything around like if her muscles and her brain needed it. She began to breath heavily with her mouth, her chest going up and down fastly.

- "I don't recognise you! You are violent and yelling at everyone like if it was all their fault!" Constance angrily stated.

- "But...IT IS THEIR FAULT! I never asked to be like that, all I want is to have a normal life, but this part of me will always be considered as abnormal, as a disease! I just spent one day with them knowing it and, it was horrible to live! My locker is tagged, the others made jokes when they are not whispering things about me, girls don't want me to change with them because they think I'm watching them! It's always the same thing! No matter what I do, I'll always be in the wrong! "

- "Then don't make it worse! Be in the wrong without doing nothing wrong! Answer with words not fists!"

- "THIS IS UNFAIR!" Jane yelled going to her room and slamming her door.

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