Ch. 4 Quite A Trip!

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Your POV

3 Days Later

I was jogging around the park for my morning jog. I started thinking about how everyone reacted to me being a Meif'wa. Kawaii~Chan was really happy to have another Meif'wa as a friend. She was really nice, too. Aaron was someone else I met. He was kinda quiet, but Aph convinced him to be more social. The two of us really got to know each other and we became friends instantly.
I snapped back to reality and saw a beautiful girl with orange and yellow hair. She was wearing a green and white tshirt and dark green capris. She was walking through the park. She's so beautiful, I thought. I wish I had the courage to approach her. Who am I kidding? I'd never have a chance to get a girl like her.
Since I wasn't paying attention, I didn't see the dip in the sidewalk caused by part of it sinking into the ground over time. I tripped over it and fell down, hitting my head on a rock on the way down. Then everything went black.

3 Hours Later

I wake up in an unfamiliar bed. I opened my eyes and looked around. Where am I? I thought. This isn't my room or my house. My thoughts were interrupted by the same girl from earlier. Her eyes were gorgeous. They were a breathtaking pale blue. She walked into the room and said in a slightly British accent, "Oh good, you're awake. Are you alright? You took quite a fall back there." I nodded and said, "I-I think s-so." I started to sit up, feeling a small amount of pain around my chest. I looked around and said, "Who are y-you and w-where are we?" She smiled and said, "My name is Cadenza. When I was at the park earlier, I heard someone fall behind me and when I turned around, I saw you lying on the ground unconscious. I didn't know where you lived, so I carried you to my house." I nodded and said, "Th-thank you, C-Cadenza." She smiled and said, "No problem. I went ahead and took the liberty to tend to the bump on your head and the bad scrape on your chest. I'd have to say, I've never seen someone who was strong and muscular like you." I blushed a bright red and said, "Th-thank y-you." She giggled and said, "I didn't catch your name." I nodded and said, "I'm Y/N." She held out her hand and said, "Well, Y/N. It's been a pleasure to meet you." "You too," I replied. She smiled and said, "So Y/N, do you mind if I make us something to eat?" I smiled and said, "I don't mind. Thank you." She nodded and left the room.
Oh my Irene, I thought. I think I'm in love. But she'd probably never date someone like me. I slowly get up and winced in pain. I slowly make my way out of the room and down the stairs. I find Cadenza in the kitchen. I winced in pain again and start to feel unbalanced, even with my tail out.
Cadenza turns and sees me walking down the stairs. She sees me start to lose my balance. She rushed over to me and caught me before I fell. She helps over to the couch and says, "You shouldn't try to move so fast that quickly. You probably have a concussion from your fall."

5 Hours Later

I yawned and looked at my phone. The time on it read: 8:48PM. I turned to Cadenza and said, "It's getting late. I think I should head home." I started to get up, but quickly lose my balance. Cadenza caught me just in time. Then she said, "Nonsense. You're in no shape to leave. You can spend the night here." I looked at her and said, "Let me text my roommate and let him know that I won't be there." She nodded and I sent Laurance a text.

We watched TV for awhile

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We watched TV for awhile. As we did, Cadenza slowly moved closer and closer to me. Before I knew it, she was right next to me. Then she rested her head on my shoulder.
I yawned and said, "I'm tired." Cadenza helped me up the stairs. She took me to her room and said, "You can sleep here in my bed." I smiled weakly and asked, "Th-then where are you g-g-going to sleep?" She smirked and said, "Well, if you don't mind, I was gonna sleep next to you. If you don't feel comfortable enough to do that, I can sleep on the couch." I blushed as red as a tomato and said, "The th-thing is that I sleep in only my underwear a-a-and also I've n-never slept with a girl b-b-before." Cadenza smiled and said, "I don't mind. But are you sure that you don't mind us sleeping together?"
I smiled weakly and said, "I don't mind, but I should probably tell you that my tail sometimes has a mind of its own when I'm asleep and it likes to wrap itself around things sometimes. So if you feel my tail touching you, I apologize. If you don't like what or how my tail touches you or even it touching you in general, just wake me up and I'll grab it and hold it for the rest of the night."
She grinned and said, "Thanks for the heads up. I'm going to go to the bathroom and change into my nightgown. While I'm in there, you can get yourself ready too out here." I nodded and she went into the adjoining bathroom and closed the door behind her. I took off my pants, my socks, my jacket, and my shirt. I set them on the floor next to the bed and laid down.
Cadenza came out of the bathroom wearing a mint green nightgown.

She climbed next to me in the bed and said, "Night, Y/N

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She climbed next to me in the bed and said, "Night, Y/N." I replied, "N-night, Cadenza." I heard her fall asleep soon after. A few minutes later, I felt her move. She moved closer to me and laid her head on my chest. I eventually drifted off to sleep myself.

Cadenza's POV

1 Hour Later

I woke up to something soft on my leg. I realized that my head was resting on Y/N's muscular chest. I looked under the cover and saw what the soft thing that was touching my leg was. It was Y/N's tail, which had wrapped itself around my leg. After seeing what it was, I didn't mind it. I laid my head back down on Y/N's chest. Then I went back to sleep.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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