Ch. 8 The Date

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Your POV

I got in my car and drove towards Cadenza's house. When I got there, I knocked on the door. Cadenza answered and said, "Fluffball! I'm all ready to go on our date!" I opened the passenger door for her. Then I got in and drove towards Olive Garden.
When we got there, I turned to Cadenza and said, "I know it's just an Olive Garden, but it's the only restaurant that I knew of that was close by. I'm sorry if─" She interrupted me with a kiss on my lips. She pulled away and said, "Y/N, it's perfect. It's the thought that matters most." Then I sighed and said, "Hey, Cadi, I want to tell you something personal." She held my hands in hers and said, "What is it?" I reached into my jacket's inside pocket, pulled out my glasses, and put them on. She smiled and said, "I like the nickname. I think the glasses look good on you, why don't you normally wear them?" I sighed and said, "I used to be made fun of because I was a Meif'wa with glasses." She kissed me and said, "Well, I like them. I think you look cuter with them on."
Then we both go into Olive Garden and start eating a great meal. While we're waiting for the bill, Cadenza looks at me and says, "Hey, Fluffball, can I ask you something that's kinda personal as well?" I nodded and said, "You can ask or tell me anything you want. I'll always listen to what you have to say." She took a deep breath and asked, "Y/N, how do you feel about children?"
I almost choked on my drink, blushed a crimson red, and said, "D-don't you th-think it's a l-little early t-to start thinking a-about that?" Cadenza held my hands in hers and said, "Whoa! Whoa! I didn't mean it like that. I'm asking because next week I have to babysit my youngest brother, who is pretty much a baby. I was just wondering if you'd like to keep me company while I'm babysitting Caleb. I'm nowhere close to being ready to have sex yet." I calmed down and said, "Oh, okay. I'm fine with that. I'm not ready to do that yet either." Then I paid the bill and we both went back towards my car.
When we get back to the car, I said, "Let's watch the sunset in the park before we head home." Cadenza nodded and said, "Okay, that'll be nice." When we get to the top of the hill in the park, we stand there and watch the sun as it starts to set. She says, "It's so beautiful!" I looked at her and said, "I know, but it's not as beautiful as you." She smiled and said, "Y/N, can you stay at my place again tonight?" I smiled and nodded. Then I said, "Tomorrow, can I introduce you to my roommate? I don't think he believes that you're real." Cadenza nodded and said, "Okay, let's go back to my house."
When we got back to her house, we went inside and upstairs to her room. Then Cadenza said, "Y/N, can ask you something that might be a little awkward?" I nodded and said, "S-sure. What is it?" Cadenza looked me in the eyes and said, "Would you mind if we sleep together, but only wearing our underwear? If you're not comfortable with that, I understand." I nodded slowly and said, "I-I don't m-mind."
I took off my glasses, set them on the nightstand, and took off my jacket. Once I was just in my boxers, I laid down on the bed. Then Cadenza walked out of the bathroom, wearing only a mint green bra and matching panties. I blushed a bright red and watched as she walked over to her side of the bed and laid down next to me. She laid her head on my chest and said, "Good night, Fluffball." I smiled and said, "Good night, Cadi." I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Cadenza's POV

1 Hour Later

I wake up to something rubbing my pussy. I let out a soft moan and realized that it was Y/N's tail. It had managed to somehow got caught on my panties and accidentally slipped them down a little bit and started rubbing against my vagina. I wasn't really comfortable with that, so I immediately started to shake my boyfriend awake.
Startled, he looked at me worriedly and said, "W-what is it?" I kissed him reassuringly and said, "Your tail got caught on my panties and was rubbing my pussy slightly. I don't mind if your tail is touching me, but could you please try not to let it touch me like that?" He nodded and said in an sad voice, "I'm s-sorry, Cadenza." I hugged him and said, "I forgive you. Accidents happen. I just wanted to say something before it got worse." He nodded and drifted off to sleep again. I thought to myself, If I pull my panties back up, his tail might just get stuck again and pull them back down. I might as well just take them off. I reached down and pulled my panties the rest of the way off. I then gently grab Y/N's tail and wrap it around my waist. It holds its grip and held me closer to Y/N. I smiled and drifted off to sleep once more.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I made it much longer than the last one. How do you think Laurance will react when he sees that you're dating his sister?
Master out.

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