Ch. 10 Scaredy Cat

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Cadenza's POV

I watched as my boyfriend ran upstairs scared. Oh no, I thought. Laurance and me yelling must've scared him. I turned to face my brother once more and said, "Great, we startled him with our yelling. Laurance, I need to talk to you about two very important things. Number one, I can date whomever I want to, even if they are one of your friends. And number two, I happen to love Y/N very much. Sure, I met him only two days ago, but I felt an instant connection between us when I first saw him."
Laurance took in a deep breath and said, "Fine. I'll let it go. But I swear if he does anything to hurt you─" "You will let me deal with it!" I interrupted. "It's my choice to be with him, so I'll deal with it if something happens." Laurance sighed and said, "Fine." I nodded and said, "Now if you don't mind, I'll go tell my boyfriend that everything is okay. Then me and him are going to go back to my house to spend time with each other in person."
Then I went upstairs and went to the only bedroom with a closed door and put my ear to the door. I heard someone slightly crying from inside the room. I gently knocked on the door and said, "Hey, Fluffball, it's me. I'm sorry that Laurance and I yelled at you. Can I come in?" I heard a soft voice say, "Yes." I opened the door and saw my Meif'wa boyfriend curled up in a ball on his bed.
I sat down on the bed next to him and said, "I sorted things out with Laurance about our relationship and got him to accept it." I started to gently stroke his cute soft ears. I heard him start to purr. Then I heard him slowly drifted off to sleep. I smiled and laid down next to him. I felt his tail snake its way around my bare stomach underneath my shirt. It was so soft and gentle. I smiled and slowly drifted off to sleep as well.

Hope you all are enjoying the book so far. What do you think will happen when you and Cadenza wake up?
Master out.

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