Ch. 31 Coffee CAT-astrophe

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Cadenza's POV

I was downstairs watching TV on the couch. I was only wearing one of Y/N's white shirts, which were kinda big on me, without anything else on. Suddenly, Y/N comes rushing into the house. He came over to me and pretty much tackled me on the couch. Then I noticed that he was extremely more hyper and energetic than he normally is. He started rubbing his head in the crook of my neck and started purring.
Confused, I asked him, "Y/N, are you okay?" He answered in a slightly fast way, saying, "I've never been better! Laurance let me try something that I had never had before and now I feel very energetic! I love you so much, Cadenza! I love you! I love you! I love you!" He got up and started running around the living room very fast. It actually made me giggle a little bit at how cute it was.
Then Y/N accidentally tripped over the coffee table and fell down on the floor. I went over to him and saw that he was knocked out cold. I was a little concerned, so I grabbed my boyfriend's phone and texted Laurance.

 I was a little concerned, so I grabbed my boyfriend's phone and texted Laurance

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I put Y/N's phone on the coffee table and picked him up. I carried him up to our room and laid him down on the bed. I went back downstairs and sat down on the couch. I think to myself, I wonder if Y/N is going to be alright when he wakes up.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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