Ch. 25 Vacation?!

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Your POV

2 Weeks Later

I woke up on the couch and yawned. Just then, I heard a knock on the door. I stretched out my arms. I went over to the door and answered it. I opened the door to reveal Kawaii~Chan standing there. She saw that I was shirtless and blushed. I smiled weakly and said, "Good morning, Kawaii~Chan." She smiled and said, "Good m-morning, Y/N. Aphmau~Senpai wanted Kawaii~Chan to tell Y/N and Cadenza~Sama that Aaron~Kun and Dante~Kun got us all a vacation to Paris for 5 days."
Confused, I said, "Kawaii~Chan, did you just call me Y/N, not Y/N~Kun?" She blushed and nodded. Then she said, "Yes, honestly I had a small crush on you when I first found out that you were a Meif'wa. But that changed when I saw you and Cadenza together for the first time. Then I fell in love with my ship of you two together. That's why I actually said yes to going on a date with you. I also talk normal to people who mean the most to me." I nodded and said, "Okay. That makes sense. So when is this vacation?" She giggled and said, "The plane takes off in 2 hours! You better go tell Cadenza and start packing." Shocked, I said, "2 hours?! I better get started. Thanks for heads up, Kawaii~Chan!" She giggled and left.
I went upstairs to Cadenza's room and opened the door. I immediately got shocked at seeing her sleeping completely naked in the bed. I closed my eyes and said, "C-Cadenza? W-wake up!" I heard her yawn and say, "Good morning, Fluffball. What is it─Oh my Irene! I'm so sorry! I usually sleep naked. I'm so sorry. Let me get my bathrobe on." I heard her move around and then say, "Okay, you can open your eyes." I opened my eyes and said, "Cadenza, we need to start packing up clothes, Aaron and Dante got everyone a trip to Paris, but the plane takes off in 2 hours!" Cadenza nodded and said, "You're right, let's get packing!"

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I've got a couple of ideas for how the vacation is going to go.
Master out.

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