Ch. 20 The Forced Misunderstanding

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Your POV

4 Months Later

I went out to the store to get a couple things for the house.

Ivan's POV

I went over to Cadenza's house to see if I could have some fun with her. The door was unlocked, so I let myself in and saw something that made me blush a bright red. I saw Cadenza downstairs making breakfast, but Y/N wasn't anywhere in sight. Y/N's girlfriend, who was my crush after Lucinda, was standing there in front of me completely alone.
Then, without hesitanting, I threw a temporary Lustful Potion on her. It's a potion that'll make her feel more lust to anyone and she'll be able to choose if she wants to fuck me or not. But it'll be hard for her not to.
She immediately came over to me and began making out with me. I smirked and pinned Cadenza down, stripped her completely naked, and took off my pants and my boxers. I smirked creepily and said, "I should've done this a long time ago." I shoved my dick into her pussy. But before she could let out a moan, I smashed my lips onto hers. I could feel hers moans in my mouth. I kept thrusting myself into her until I heard someone say, "C-Cadenza?" I break the kiss with Cadenza and look up.
When I looked up, I saw Y/N standing there in shock as he dropped the grocery bags in his hands. Y/N started crying and ran off. I smirked as I realized that he was now heartbroken. Unfortunately for me, Cadenza snapped out of the potion's effects and said, "Ivan?! Get out of here! I can't believe you made me cheat on the love of my life!" I smirked, put my boxers and pants back on, and left Cadenza crying at what I had made her do.

Cadenza's POV

How could I have let Ivan just come in here and do that to me? I thought. Now Y/N is heartbroken. And it's my fault. I started crying. I went to my brother's house. I knocked on the door and Laurance answered. He saw that I was crying and let me in. I sat down on his couch and he sat down next to me. Then he asked, "Cadenza, what's wrong?" I sniffed and cried, "I think Y/N and I are broken up now..." He got furious and said, "What did that Meif'wa do to you? I swear I'm going to find him and teach him a lesson! No one hurts my sister and gets away with it!" He gets up and starts walking to the door, but I grabbed his wrist and said, "Y/N didn't do anything." Laurance looked at me and said, "What?" I cried and said, "It's my fault! I scared him away." Laurance sits down and said, "How?" I wiped my nose and said, "Ivan showed up out of nowhere today and used a potion to make me have sex with him."
Laurance hugged me and said, "Cadenza, stop blaming yourself. It was Ivan's fault not yours! Just tell me what happened when Ivan showed up."

I hope you all enjoyed that twist.
Master out.

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