Ch. 21 My Secret Talent

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Your POV

I was crying so much. How could Cadenza do this to me? I thought. I thought she loved me. I went to the only place where I could be with someone else I trust. I went to Dante and Travis's house. I knocked on the door and Travis answered and he said, "Hey Y/N─whoa, man! What's the matter?" I wiped my nose and asked him, "Can I come in?" Travis nodded and let me inside. I sat down on the couch and I told them that I had seen Cadenza cheating on me.
When I finished, I was balling my eyes out crying. I asked them both, "Would you guys mind if I stayed here for awhile?" They both nodded and Dante said, "You can stay here for as long as you like, Y/N. You can sleep in the spare bedroom down in the basement, if that's okay with you." I nodded and said, "Thank you guys. But please don't tell Cadenza that I'm staying here." They both nodded and said, "We promise." Then Travis asked, "Is there anything that we can get you?" I nodded slowly and said sheepishly, "Could you guys give me some paper and art supplies? I want to do something that'll help take my mind off of her." Travis smiled and said, "Sure thing."
After they gave me the things that I had asked for, I took the stuff down to the basement and started to draw pictures. Even though I was upset because of Cadenza, I couldn't stop drawing or painting pictures of her.

 Even though I was upset because of Cadenza, I couldn't stop drawing or painting pictures of her

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I didn't really draw these pictures, I honestly used a photo editor.

I didn't really draw these pictures, I honestly used a photo editor

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After awhile, I yawned in exhaustion from my terrible day

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After awhile, I yawned in exhaustion from my terrible day. I took off my glasses and set them on the desk next to my art. I went over to the air mattress that the guys had set up for me. Then I laid down on the mattress, curled up into a ball, wrapped my tail around my waist, and drifted off to sleep alone.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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