Ch. 11 Quickly Escalating

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Cadenza's POV

4 Hours Later

I yawned and woke up. I realized that I wasn't in my bed. I opened my eyes and saw that I was cuddled up with Y/N in his bed. Then I remembered what happened earlier.
I started to stroke his cute Meif'wa ears and he started purring. I felt his tail around my thigh. I kiss his forehead and realized that we probably should go back to my house if we're going to keep cuddling.
I tried to wake him up, but he was fast asleep and wouldn't wake up. I grabbed his glasses and put them in my pocket. Then I picked him up and carried him downstairs and to his car. I put in the passenger seat and buckled him in. Then I reached into his pants pocket for his car keys.
Once I found them, I drove us back to my house and carried Y/N inside and to the bedroom. I laid him in the bed and I kissed him on the lips. Then I went back downstairs and watched some TV on the couch.

Your POV

1 Hour Later

I yawned and woke up in Cadenza's bed. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. Then I heard something from downstairs, which sounded like the TV. I went downstairs and snuck up behind Cadenza. I whispered in her ear and said, "Hey, Beautiful." She jumped and said, "Y/N, you scared me. Want to cuddle with me on the couch?" I nodded and laid down next to her on the couch and put my arm around her.

Cadenza's POV

4 Hours Later

I yawned and turned off the TV. I wake Y/N up and we both went upstairs to bed. I looked at him and said, "Y/N, I know that we've only been dating for a two days. But after last night, I wanted to ask you if you'd be comfortable with me sleeping naked? You can stay in your underwear if you want to. I understand if you don't feel comfortable doing that." He bit his lip and stuttered, "I-I d-don't mind." I nodded and he went to the bathroom and closed the door. I got undressed until I was completely naked and then I crawled into bed. Then Y/N came out of the bathroom in his underwear and climbed into bed next to me. Then we both drifted off to sleep.

2 Hours Later

I was woken up by Y/N moving a lot in the bed. I looked at him and he was making a couple scared noises. I could tell that he was having a bad dream. I started stroking his ears and I ran my fingers through his hair to calm him down. I kept doing that while whispering, "Shhhhh. I'm right here, Fluffball. Shhhh." He gradually calmed down and put his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. Then he mumbled in his sleep and said, "Faster Babe. I'm so close. Oh, Cadi!" Then I felt something poke me under the sheets. I knew it wasn't Y/N's tail because it was already wrapped around my thigh.
Then I realized what was happening. He's having a wet dream about the two of us having sex together, I thought. I felt my face heat up a lot. He's always so innocent, but maybe he has a dirty side deeper inside his mind that rarely comes out. I won't say anything about it in the morning unless he does first.
I suddenly felt his member touch my clit but thankfully, it didn't go in. I managed to hold back a moan. Then I felt him calm down and his member stopped touching my clit. I let out a quiet sigh of relief and drifted back to sleep.

Will you know what happened in the morning? Will Cadenza keep it from you without you noticing?
Master out.

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