Ch. 19 Sleeping In Part 2

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Your POV

3 Hours Later

I yawned and opened my eyes as I woke up. I felt Cadenza laying on my chest as I remembered what we had done last night. I blushed and smiled. Then I heard Cadenza's sweet voice say, "It's about time you woke up, sleepy head." I smiled and said, "Good morning to you too." She giggled and said, "Actually it's late in the afternoon. You slept in so long that I didn't know if you were going to wake up today or tomorrow. But you're a Meif'wa, so I understand why you would sleep so long. But you were amazing last night." I blushed and said, "You were too."
Then Cadenza moved on top of me and said, "I was wondering if you would want to do it again, not tonight but in the future?" I smiled and said, "I would love to do it more in the future. I think you can agree with me that we're both still worn out from last night." She nodded and said, "Yeah, but would you mind if we did something tonight?" I smiled weakly and said, "Sure, what is it?" She smiled and said, "Would you mind if I slept with your dick in my pussy tonight?" I smirked and said, "I don't mind at all. Let me just get another condom and─" I was interrupted by Cadenza kissing me on the lips.
Then she pinned me down and said, "I'm on birth control pills right now, so you don't need a condom for tonight, hot stuff." I blushed and said, "Okay." She slowly moved herself onto my member and went down on it, causing us both to moan. Then she laid down on top of me and we both started making out. Eventually we stopped and went to sleep.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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