Ch. 23 The Realization

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Your POV

3 Hours Later

I get out of the shower and get dressed. I told Dante and Travis that I was going out on a date. Dante smiled and said, "It's good for you to move on from Cadenza." I nodded and Travis said, "Go get her, tiger!" I blushed and left for Olive Garden.
When I got there, Kawaii~Chan was waiting for me at the door. I walked up to her and she smiled and said, "Hi, Y/N~Kun! Kawaii~Chan is so excited about our date!" I blushed slightly and smiled. Then she followed me inside and we ate. After we ate, Kawaii~Chan looked into my eyes and said, "Can Kawaii~Chan try something with Y/N~Kun?" I nodded hesitantly and said, "S-sure." She giggled and moved closer to me. Then she planted her lips onto mine and kissed me.
After a couple seconds, I pulled away and said, "K-K-Kawaii~Chan? That kiss was very unexpected. But it made me realize something really important. It made me realize that I still love Cadenza. I'm sorry for doing this to you right after our date. Would you mind if we just stayed friends?"
Surprisingly enough, Kawaii~Chan smiled and said, "Of we can still be friends! Kawaii~Chan has always shipped Y/N~Kun and Cadenza~Chan since they started dating. They're Kawaii~Chan's OTP!" I smiled weakly and said, "Thank you for helping me realize that Cadenza the one for me." Kawaii~Chan hugged me and said, "Not a problem!" She let me go and I ran to Cadenza's house. I went inside and found Cadenza asleep. She looked like a wreck. Even though I still love her, I thought. I don't think I'm ready to sleep with her again. I went back downstairs and fell asleep on the couch.
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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