Ch. 16 Sleeping Arrangements

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Your POV

Cadenza asked me, "Would it be okay if we both sleep together completely naked tonight?" I blushed and said, "I guess it would okay." Cadenza scooted over to me and rested her head on my shoulder. Then I said, "Hey, I c-can we c-cuddle?" She smiled and said, "I'm always open to cuddling with my Fluffball." I blushed slightly and put my arms around her. She shifted and said, "Hey, Fluffball, would you mind if I took off your shirt?"
I blushed even more and stuttered, "S-sure." She giggled and slowly pulled off my jacket and my shirt. Then she looked at my chest and said, "I forgot how sexy your abs are." I smiled weakly. Cadenza kissed me on the lips passionately. Then she grabbed my hand and said, "Let's go upstairs." I nodded as she dragged me up to the bedroom. She smiled and said, "Since you're already partially undressed, you might as well get undressed first."
I blushed and nodded. Then I took off my pants and my boxers. I shyly looked down at the floor and said, "I know that I'm not as hot or sexy as most guys." Cadenza kissed me and said, "On the contrary, you're hotter and sexier than anyone else I know, at least to me you are. That's all that really matters, is that I think you're hot and sexy. I love you." I smiled and said, "Thank you, Cadenza." She smiled and said, "And now, it's my turn to get undressed." I blushed slightly as she took off her shirt and her capris. Then she took off her bra and her panties, which left her completely naked. The sight of her sexy naked body gave me a nosebleed. When she saw my nosebleed, she quickly got some tissues and helped me get my nosebleed to stop.
Once it did, I felt my face heat up a lot. Then she said, "Am I that hot that you had a nosebleed?" I blushed even more and nodded. She smiled and kissed me. Then she started to kiss my neck. Her kisses caused me to let out little "Nya~" and moan slightly.
Curious, I asked her in between moans, "Cadi, what's with the─Nya~─k-kisses on my n-neck?" She stopped and whispered seductively into my ear, "I wanted to give you some love marks to let other women know that my adorable Fluffball is taken. You wouldn't mind if I give you a few hickeys, would you?" I blushed and said, "I-I g-guess n-not." She kept kissing my neck and bit my sweet spot when she found it. Then as she kept kissing my neck, I felt one of her legs move and intertwine with my legs.
She stopped kissing my neck and looked me in the eyes. I stared back into her pale blue eyes. Then she said, "Y/N, I think I'm ready." Confused, I asked her, "Ready for what?" She smiled seductively and said, "I'm ready to lose my virginity to you. But if you're not ready, I can wait until you are. But I would like to know whether you are ready or not. Are you?"

What do you think you're going to say?
Master out.

His Sister: Cadenza X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now