Ch. 29 The Heat Is On!

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Cadenza's POV

2 Months Later

I wake up and immediately noticed that Y/N felt unusually warm. Maybe he has a fever, I thought to myself. I'll make him something to take care of that. But then I have to go to a few job interviews today so I can get a job. Hopefully he'll be fine while I'm gone.
I go to get out of bed, but Y/N didn't loosen his grip like he usually does. Instead, he tightened it, and said in a very sleepy voice, "" "I can't. I have to go to a couple job interviews today," I replied. He groaned and let go of me. I got dressed, went to my first interview.

3 Hour Later

"Thanks for seeing me," I said to the manager before I left. I looked at my watch. Sweet, I thought. I get a break for a while before my last interview. I think I'll see if I can find out what was going with Y/N this morning. I search on my phone for reasons a person would act unusually clingy and be unusually warm. Then it hit me. Since he's a Meif'wa, he must be in heat right now. Wait, that means he'll want sex when I get home. And I'm on my period, so I'll get pregnant.

4 Hours Later

I finished my last interview and headed  back home. When I got home, I accepted my fate, and walked inside. I went upstairs and found Y/N still in bed. I closed the door behind me and I heard Y/N say in voice that sounded like begging, "Cadennnzaaa....? Is" I sighed and said, "Yes, it's me, Fluffball." I went over to the bed and laid down next to him. Then I noticed that he wasn't wearing any clothes. I look into his lime green eyes and noticed that they were full of lust.
The next thing I know, Y/N had stripped me naked and pinned me to the bed. He started kissing my neck. I moaned when he hit my sweet spot, causing him to abuse that spot and leave a hickey. Then he slammed his dick into my pussy and started thrusting in and out of me. I moaned his name, and cummed on his dick. He started going harder and faster with each moan that I let out. Then I felt him hit my G-spot and I moaned his name loudly. Then we both climax together and we both fall asleep together.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Master out.

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