Ch. 6 Honest Truth

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Your POV

I looked at Cadenza and asked, "H-hey, C-Cadenza. Can I-I t-tell you something?" She smiled and said, "Of course, Y/N. What is it?" "I l-l-like you," I said. She smiled and said, "I like you too." I shook my head and said, "No. I l-like like you." I blushed. She put her fork down, got up from her seat, came next to me, and asked, "Really?" I nodded.
Then to my surprise, she kissed me on the lips. It was really passionate and lovely. After what felt like ages, but really was a couple minutes, we pulled away. I looked into Cadenza's light blue eyes and said, "Th-that w-was my f-first k-k-kiss." Cadenza smiled and said, "And how was it?" I kissed her back in reply. Then I said, "It was perfect. I think I love you, Cadenza." Then I realized what I said and covered my mouth with my hands. I looked down and blushed a bright red. Cadenza smiled and hugged me. Then she said, "I love you too, Y/N. You and your fluffy ears and tail." I looked up and said, "R-really?" Cadenza nodded and said, "Really. You're my shy Fluffball. I love you. Plus, for as cute as you are, you're also quite sexy too." I blushed a slightly darker red and looked away.
We finished eating and cleared the dishes. Then Cadenza hugged me and kissed me. I kissed back and said, "I should probably go back home so my roommate doesn't start to worry. C-can I-I have your n-n-number so I can text you later?" She smiled and said, "Of course." She wrote it down on a piece of paper and gave it to me. Then I shyly asked her, "C-Cadenza, w-will you g-go out w-with me?" She hugged me tightly and said, "I thought you'd never ask! Of course I'll go out with you!" I smiled and said, "I'll text you later. I-I love you." "I love you too, Y/N. Talk to you later," Cadenza replied. Then I went back home.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. What are you going to tell Laurance when you get back to your house?

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