Ch. 13 My Painful Past

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Your POV

2 Weeks Later

I yawned and woke up. I felt a hand running through my hair, which felt very soothing. I felt Cadenza's hand start to stroke my Meif'wa ears, making me start to purr. I turned to face Cadenza and opened my eyes. She smiled and said, "Good morning, Fluffball. Did you know that you look so cute and adorable when you're asleep?" I felt my face heat up slightly. Then I said, "N-no, I-I didn't know th-that."
She giggled and said, "For someone who has as muscular as you are, you're so shy and innocent. That's one of things that I love the most about you, Y/N." I smiled weakly and said, "I know. You've told me that already."
She smiled and kissed me on the cheek. Then she said, "I know, but it's the truth." She hugged me and said, "Each boyfriend I've had in the past had a very dirty mind. They would always be asking for me to have sex with them and I would always say no to them. Then I'd find out that they were cheating on me and I would end up having to break up with them. But you're nothing like them, and I don't want to let you go." I smiled weakly and hugged her back. Then she pulled apart and said, "Speaking of the past, how did you meet my brother, Laurance?"
I looked into Cadenza's eyes, while we were both still in bed, and said, "Well, it was back in high school..."


It was my first day of my freshman year at Phoenix Drop High. I had walking down the hallway to my locker. Back then, I was very shy and I didn't know anyone there. All of people who I thought were my friends, had backstabbed me and bullied me at my old middle school before my parents moved to Phoenix Drop.
I was almost at my locker when a girl with pinkish red hair called over to me and said, "Hey, cat!" I nervously turned around and pointed at myself. She angrily nodded and said, "Yeah, you, four eyes! Where do you think you're going? I was talking to you!" I opened my mouth and managed to stutter and said, "I-I was g-going t-to my l-locker. I'm sorry." She came over to me and shoved me down onto the floor. I was about to get up, when she dragged me by the collar and said, "Sorry doesn't fix it, freshman!" Then she pushed me down the stairs.
At this point, I was crying in pain. She came over to me. Then she stepped on my tail really hard and said, "If you ever ignore me again, I do something worse. My name is Ivy. I'm the most popular girl in this school! Do you understand me, loser?" I looked at her and said in between crying, "Please stop, you're hurting my tail!" She was about to do something else to me, when I heard a guy's voice call out, "Ivy! Leave the freshman Meif'wa alone!"
Ivy turned around and said to a guy with light brown hair, "Or what, Laurance? What are you going to do if I beat him up even more?" As soon as I heard that, I put my arms over my head and readied myself for the worse. Then I heard guy say, "If you do, I'll tell Garroth about what happened!" Then I heard Ivy say, "Fine, you win. This wimp isn't even worth it." I heard her walk away and heard someone else approach me. I move my arms and saw the guy crouching down next to me.
He smiled and said calmly,  "Hi, my name's Laurance Zvahl. Don't worry about Ivy, she's like that to lots of people. Are you okay?" I smiled weakly and said, "I th-think so. My t-tail is the only th-thing that hurts. My n-name is Y/N." Laurance smiled kindly and said, "Well, Y/N, do you have any friends here?" I shook my head and said, "No. I just moved here, plus all of my old friends turned on me and started bullying me in middle school." He helped me up and said, "Well, I'll be someone who you can truly trust as a friend. Would you like to meet my other friend, Garroth, and sit with us at lunch?" I nodded and said, "That would be nice. Thank you." I took off my glasses, which were now cracked thanks to Ivy, and put them in my pocket. Then I shyly grabbed my tail and held it in my hands as I followed Laurance. He went over to a guy with blonde hair and baby blue eyes.
Then Laurance said, "Garroth, I'd like you to meet my new friend, Y/N. I saved him from a bully and he told me that he moved here recently and didn't have any friends. You don't mind if he sits with us at lunch, do you?" Garroth smiled and said, "Of course I don't mind. Hello, Y/N! My name is Garroth Ro'Meave. It's nice to meet you, Y/N." I smiled weakly and said shyly, "I-it's nice t-to m-meet you t-too."

End Of Flashback

"And that's how I met Laurance," I said as I felt a couple tears run down my face. Cadenza wiped away my tears with her hand. Then she hugged me and said, "I'm sorry that you had such a rough life back then. I'm so glad that my brother helped you. Irene knows what would've happened to you if he hadn't stop Ivy." I sniffed and cried my eyes out into her shoulder. She rubbed her hand up and down my back and ran her fingers through my hair with her other hand. Then she said in a soothing voice, "Go on, let it out. I'm right here for you, Y/N. I'm not going anywhere, love." I continued to cry my eyes out on her shoulder.

Hope you all enjoyed this long chapter of 1015 words!
Master out.

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