Ch. 3 The Truth

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Your POV

I looked down and said, "Okay, I'll tell you guys. But please promise not to look or treat at me differently." They both nodded and said, "We promise." I sighed and let my ears and tail show. Then I got my glasses out and put them on. I hear them both gasp. I then heard Aphmau say, "Y/N, why didn't you tell us you were a Meif'wa? Kawaii~Chan is one of our best friends and she's a Meif'wa too. Why would we treat you any different? You're still the same person, just more unique." I felt a tear go down my cheek. Then I said, "Back in high school, I was made fun of because I was a Meif'wa and also wore glasses. So after a couple months at Phoenix Drop High, I hid my ears and tail and stopped wearing my glasses. " Aphmau hugged me and said, "Don't worry, Y/N. We will always accept you for who you truly are." I started to cry and said, "That means a lot, Aphmau. Thank you." She responded, "Y/N, you can call me Aph for short. Everyone else does." I smiled and said, "Okay, Aph."
Aphmau leaves and Laurance says, "Y/N, now I know why you always seemed paranoid and self-conscious back in high school. You could have told me or Garroth, we wouldn't have treated you any differently." I smiled and yawned. Then I said, "I'm tired. Thanks for letting me know that I can let my true self show. I don't like hiding my ears and tail, especially since it's very uncomfortable. Good night, Laur." "Night, Y/N."
I go up to my room and take off my jacket, my shirt, and my pants. I took off  my glasses and set them on my nightstand. Then I laid down on my bed. I curled up with my tail and drifted off to sleep.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. And don't worry, you'll meet Cadenza when I feel the time is right. Even if the right time is really the wrong time.
Master out.

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