Sweets (Koma'nX Reader)

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"(Y/N)Chan!!" Koma'n hugged you from behind "Lets go to eat some sweets at the new sweets shop downtown!" He exclaimed.

You giggled and replied with just as much excitement "ok! Race you there!" You then started running ahead and left Koma'n dumbfounded.

He recovered quickly and just as he realized you ran away, he chased after you immediately.

Since you were not a really fast runner, Koma'n catched up quickly and hugged you. "(y/n) why did you leave without me TT^TT" He whined.

You giggled then broke free and ran again in the direction of (sweets shop name lol) "See you there Koma'n!" You turned around and winked once while running, leaving Koma'n to chase after you again.

You reached the Sweets shop first then sat down to wait for Koma'n. He arrived soon only to find you texting Dasoku, he hugged you once again from behind and said in a whiny voice "Stop leaving me alone (Y/n) chan!!"

"Hehe sowwy Koma'n~ But i wanted to taste the (Fave sweet)." "Oki doki (Y/n) chan lets sit down and i'll get the sweets." Koma'n smiled at you warmly and left to get the sweets.

~~Time skip brought to you by Nyan cat~~

Koma'n came back with the sweets then placed them down. "Ne, (Y/n) chan, can i ask you something?" You tilted your head in slight confusion "Sure, what is it Koma'n?" He was silent but stood up and leaned in close to you. "This" Less then seconds, warm lips met yours.

"Hehe i could'nt help it, you are too cute" You blushed pink and kissed him back "Hehe ^^"

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