Chapter III

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3 weeks in and Santana and Brittany have been spending a tremendous time together. They had more in common then they thought. 

Brittany woke up to the sound of her alarm and the brightness hitting her eyes. She rolled over and turned off her alarm. She rolled over to her back and let out a huge groan. She got up and did her normal morning routine. 

Brittany walked into the kitchen where Rachel was making coffee and had bed head. Brittany just giggled at her. 

"So what are you doing today?" Rachel asked.

"Hanging out with Santana and then go teach," Brittany said sipping her coffee.

"You're gonna be with that little cutie today?" Rachel said.

"Who Alize?" She asked to be sure, and Rachel nodded yes. "No, she actually has school today but I might see her before she leaves with Santana" 

"Oh okay, well see you later," Rachel said heading into her room. 

Brittany headed out and went to the cafe where she was going to meet Santana. Whenever the blonde thinks about her it just sends chills down her spine. Brittany is beginning to think she likes the girl but she has and kid and probably has a husband too. Brittany got to the diner in about 10 minutes and she went inside and saw Santana already there with a coffee. 

"Hey there," Brittany said walking over. 

"Hey" Santana replied with a smile. 

"Hope you weren't waiting too long" Brittany apologized.

"No no it's okay I live right across from this cafe," Santana said.  

"Seriously" Brittany a bit surprised. 

"Yeah" Santana smiled; that smile drove Brittany absolutely crazy. 

"So where's mini you?" Brittany asked. 

"Quinn's taking her to school" Santana saying while taking a sip of her coffee. 

"Ahh I see, Quinn stays with you right?" Brittany asking. 

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Santana replied followed but a question. 

"Rachel mentioned it since she lives with me" Brittany explained 

"Ahhh good to know," Santana said. 

"Soo ahem I don't know what to say now" Brittany giggled. 

"Looks like you're not the only one," Santana said nervously. 

"Are you married?" Brittany blurted out, Santana looked at her real quick. "I'm sorry I-I only asked c-cause you don't wear a ring" she stuttered. 

"No it's okay, and I am not married; I never was," Santana said. 

"W-why, I mean you don't have to tell me," Brittany asked then quickly said.

"It's fine, Alize's father Puck also known as Noah we had this little fling in middle-school and we were drunk one night and I got pregnant. Somewhere during my summer vacation I had her and I mean I got a lot of looks from moms and other kids but I didn't care because she wasn't a mistake but the best thing that happened to me. During my entire high school, Puck and I were on and off. There was a point in time where I had given up singing career just for him and we lasted about 2 years after me going to college and graduating. I found out during one of the years he was cheating on me so it wasn't technically a two-year thing but you get the point." At this point, Santana has tears in her eyes and Brittany spoke, "you don't have to go on if you don't want to."

Santana resumed "no, I want to tell you after I found out and I saw him every day I had to get away so I moved here to New York and never looked back. And now my daughter keeps on asking when her father is coming to visit."

"Santana I'm so sorry" Brittany placed her hands on Santana's and they both instantly felt a spark. The two girls just kept each other's eyes locked to one another. Santana has never felt this way before, she'd loved Puck before and felt things but never felt anything like what she is feeling now. They came back to reality when Brittany's phone went off. 

"I-I'm sorry," Brittany said sincerely. She went outside and took the call that was from the one and only Rachel Berry. 

B: I need your help 

R: With what?

B: I think I like Santana 

R: Ooooooo (teasing)

B: Shut up, and help mee!!!!

R: Okay okay what are you guys doing now

B: Talking 

R: Britt seriously 

B: What that was the point of having coffee together right?

R: You're unbelievable, um try and get a conversation going

B: Okay I'll try, I mean what will I do for another 4 hours 

R: Yeah and I gotta go pick up Quinn byeee! And good luck!

Brittany hanged up the phone and went back into the cafe and saw Santana patiently waiting for her. She sat back down and smiled at the girl. 

"I'm sorry about that," Brittany said. 

"It's fine, really" Santana assured her with a smile. 

"Got any plans for the rest of the day?" Brittany timdly asked. 

"No, but if you wanna do something I'm totally down," Santana said a bit bold. 

Brittany smiled and they both finished their drinks and headed off to Brittany's car and drove until they found somewhere to go. There was complete silence in the car but it was a comfortable silence. 

"So tell me more about your singing" Brittany broke the silence. 

"What do you wanna know?" Santana asked. 

"Everything" Brittany smiled still looking at the road. 

"Well first off, I knew I wanted to be a singer ever since I was in Glee Club in my high school but when I got pregnant with Alize I thought my life was over but it wasn't. After she was born I was still taking care of her like a mother should and then Puck helped me. I focused on my music when he was with her and when I had y' know some time for myself. Later on, in my life, I did make it big but that all to go to the drain ever since Puck told me to. I was devasted yes but to him, it was the best idea." Santana explained to Brittany as good as she can. 

"Well since you are not with him anymore and you have your life in check what's stopping you now?" Brittany asked. 

"Nothing but that part of my life is over" Santana simply said. 

"So you still wanna be a singer?" Brittany asked making sure.

"Yes, I do" Santana assuring her. 

Santana and Brittany went to different places they never went to and they had the most fun in the world. They literally spent the day together until Brittany had to go to work. 

Santana was sad she wasn't with Brittany anymore. She thought about the blonde and it makes her feel good. Santana has always known that she was different from her family or friends. When she was with Puck she always knew something was off. She just needs to know what she is feeling. 

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