Chapter XVI

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Santana was in her studio working on a song and the music to go with it. She started to get a bit frustrated with the music part of it since she's a bit rusty on the piano and guitar. She looked back at the clock; she sighed. Santana has been in there for the past 3 hours and made no progress. How was she supposed to do anything if she can't write a simple song, she thought; her thoughts were gone by the sound of her phone ringing. 

Santana got up and went into the living room and got her phone. 

"Hey Rach, what's up?" 

"YOU NEED TO TALK TO QUINN!!" she screamed tearly.

"Whoa whoa, back up what happened" Santana tried to calm down the petit brunette.

"She's coming home now and she is gonna tell you. Santana, you better get through that girl's head because she's gone crazy" Rachel sternly said. 

Before Santana could reply she had already disconnected the call. The Latina was so confused and didn't know what the hell to do or say. 

Just as she was going to see when Alize and Brittany were coming back, Quinn came through the door and slammed it. 

"ARGHH" the blonde threw her things. 

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON??!" Santana yelled. 

Quinn didn't even say a word and just went to the minibar they have and took a bottle and poured it down her throat, then Santana snatched it from her and glared at her. 

"Blondie what the hell, are you gonna say anything or what because I got Rachel crying like someone just died!" 

Quinn did nothing but break down and fell to the floor, Santana caught her as quick as possible and whispered sweet words to her. Once she calmed down Quinn began to talk, "I uh enlisted to the NYPD" 

"YOU WHAT?!" the Latina pulled away from her. 

"Please don't be mad okay, it's not like I'm going not to be around anymore. I'm just gonna be home later than usual. I- I really wanna do this okay a-and I don't want to back out anymore. I-it took me years to finally know what I want to do and t-this is what I wanna do. Also, I would like to have your support on this because even though Rachel is my girlfriend, your support means the more to me than anyone."

Santana was speechless, all she did was take the bottle and took a swig and placed it back on the hardwood floors. 

"Say something please?" Quinn pleaded. 

"Look Quinn this is just really unexpected and surprising, but if this is what you want then you have my support on this and you will always. Ever since we were kids I had your back and that's never changing." The Latina said sincerely. 

"I love you, Santana," 

"I love you too,"

They closed their gaps and embraced each other as tightly as possible. 

  "So what about Rachel?" Santana asked as they pulled away.

"I don't know honestly, I'm just going to give her some space and if she can't accept my choice in my career then I guess it'll be over for us," Quinn said.

"Are you serious?" 


"Wow, you really thought this through didn't you?" Santana asked. 

"I did," Quinn said.

"Don't worry sweetie she'll come around" Santana brought her back into her embrace. 

With Brittany and Alize  

Brittany and Alize were at the pizza shop, waiting for their order. Brittany heard her phone ringing and took it out of her purse. 

"Hey Rach"

"We needa talk," the Broadway star said 

"W-What's wrong?" she hesitantly asked.

"Quinn has enlisted to the NYPD and I don't know what to do" Rachel sighed.

"Wo-wow, um that's wow" Brittany speechless. 

"Yeah, I need your advice, what should I do?" Rachel asked. 

"Well I think you should support her Rach, it's not like she's going away from you or even the city. Yes being a police officer is dangerous but she will also be saving lives every day. If you really love her then you would not let her go and you will support her until the end. Now if you cannot do that then you how Quinn will react and I know for a fact the two of you are crazy for each other so don't give up on her. Just take some time to think this through and you'll be fine okay."

"Thank you, Britt, for that really did help" 

"Always" Brittany smiled.

"Ahem, by the way, are you coming home tonight?" 

"Yeah I will, I gotta drop off Alize and eat some pizza with them and then I'm coming," Brittany said. 

"Okay see you later" 


"Everything okay Mama?" Alize ask with a pout. 

"Never been better buttercup" Brittany gave an assured smile. 

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