Chapter IX

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1 month later 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Quinn asked. 

"Yes Q, if I don't do it then I might lose Alize to a very horrible person" Santana stated. Quinn sighed and smile, "I'm really glad you're actually putting a stop to this" 

"THIS IS SOME BULLSHIT!" Puck came barging into Santana's and Quinn's home with tremendous rage. Quinn went straight in front of him, "you need to get out now" she said sternly. 


"What do you mean your child, the one that has been with me since you left me alone for another girl and not to mention you got her pregnant too, the one that you keep getting sick for the past month" Santana spoke. 

"Watch your mouth Lopez" Puck pointed a finger at her. Santana went up to him and pushed his finger out of her face, "NO I'M NOT JUST GONNA WATCH YOU HURT MY DAUGHTER JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT ME OUT OF THE PICTURE, AND YES I HEARD WHAT YOU SAID ABOUT GETTING RID OF ME BUT I'VE NEVER TOLD ANYONE UNTIL THIS DAY. ALL THAT I KNOW YOU CAN DO AT THIS POINT IS GO GIRL AFTER GIRL WHILE YOU HAVE A WHOLE KID AND ANOTHER ONE WITH ME AND YOU DON'T GIVE A SHIT." Santana yelled with tears streaming down her face, Quinn went by her side and tried to comfort her. 

"Watch it, I am warning you," Puck said as he gritted his teeth, "OR WHAT YOU'LL RAPE ME AGAIN, UNTIL I DIE CAUSE THAT'S ALL YOU'RE GOING TO BE IS A FUCKING RAPIST!!"

Puck snapped and charged towards Santana as he grabbed her neck and pressed her up against the wall and started to choke her with a very strong grip.

"PUCK LEAVE HER ALONE PLEASE" Quinn tried to get him loose but he wouldn't budge. With his other hand Puck slapped Quinn so hard she fell on the floor. 

"Daddy?" a soft voice said. Santana tried to turn her neck and saw Alize standing there with terrified eyes. 

Ali-ze" Santana croaked out, all tears are just streaming and streaming down her face like a waterfall. Puck just tightened his grip, even more, stronger and just looked at Alize, "look baby your worthless mother will die today and then I'll have you all to myself" he said. Alize backed away and went to Quinn. 

"Auntie Q, please help Mami" she cried into Quinn's side. Quinn got her strength back and she looked around to see if she can get a hold of something, then she spotted a vase and smashed it against his head. 

His grip loosened and he fell to the ground. Santana slid down and trying to get her breathing in check, but she couldn't. 

Alize ran to her mother's side and Quinn went quickly for some water and handed it to Santana to drink. 

After a good 5 minutes, her breathing returned to normal and she leaned against the wall and tears kept on falling. Alize went to her mother's side and just held onto her. 

"It's okay baby, I'm okay" Santana held the small Latina in her arms. 

The door opened and it was Brittany, she came with a huge smile but when she saw Santana, Alize and Quinn in their positions it dropped completely. 

"Oh, my- what happened," Brittany asked. Quinn looked up with puffy eyes and Santana was just staring at the floor mindlessly. 

Quinn got up and pulled Brittany into the kitchen and told everything to Brittany. After explaining the dancer had tears in her eyes.

"MAMIII!" the two blondes gave each other a quick look and ran into the living room and saw Puck trying to take away Alize from Santana's side. Both blondes teamed up and got a grip and pulled him away and kicked him hard. 

Quinn didn't think twice this time and called 911. 

The police arrived within 10 minutes and took Puck away. Santana cried softly as Quinn took Alize to her room and tucked her in. 

"San you okay?" Quinn asked softly as she and Brittany comforted her. 

"It just felt like he was raping me again and again without him actually on me and me trying to breath" Santana croaked out. 

Brittany saw the marks on the Latina's neck and they were really red, she got up and took a gel out from her bag and rubbed some on her neck. Santana slightly smiled and mouth 'thank you.' She nodded and placed her arms over her girlfriend once again. 

"Guys it's getting quite late and I think we should try and get some sleep," Quinn said getting up and lending the two girls a hand. 

Alize walked out of her room and went to her mother's room, "Mami can I sleep with you and Britty?" she tugged on the sheet. 

"Sure baby, come on" Santana lifted her up and placed her between her and Brittany. They both cuddled with her and gave her a kiss on the head and drifted off to sleep. 

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