Chapter XXIV

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Alize ran into her mom's childhood bedroom and wiggled herself next to Santana and Brittany. "Mami, Mama wake up," she whispered enough for them to hear. She also poked their cheeks and smiled when she saw Santana crack a smile. "Mamiiii," Alize pouted.

Santana opened her eyes groggily and saw her daughter beam at her. "Happy Birthday baby girl," the Latina lifted her up to the air just like she was a baby. Alize was laughing and squirming in Santana's hands to let her go.

"MAMA HELP ME!!" Alize saw the blonde waking up.

Brittany heard that little voice and smiled at the scene in front of her, she took Alize from Santana and threw her gently on the empty spot of the bed and showered her with kisses. "Happy Birthday munchkin!!"

"Thank you," the Latina giggled.

"Hmm, how old are you today, 18?" the blonde goofily asked.

"No silly, I'm 11!" Alize said proudly. 

"Well I was close," Brittany laughed.

"Where Auntie Q?" Santana asked.

"She's making breakfast with Abuela," Alize answered. Santana nodded, "did you shower yet?"

Alize shook her head no. "Can I shower with you and Mama today?" she asked hopeful.

"Of course sweet girl, let's go," Brittany said, getting her two girls in the shower. Thankfully the shower was big enough for the three of them but not as big as the one they have at home. Santana and Brittany kept themselves covered as well as Alize. The girls played with the bubbles in the water and had a bit of a water fight. Santana made Alize get out first and took an actual shower then got ready.

After a good 10 minutes, they washed off and changed into comfortable clothes and headed to the kitchen where they say Quinn and Judy (Quinn's mom.)

"Finally, what in the world were the two of you doing?" Judy asked dramatically.

"Taking a shower," Brittany plopped down on the stool. Quinn and Judy shook their heads but still had a smile on their face. They all sat down and ate chocolate chips pancakes with bacon on the side.

"Quinn I'm telling you, you have provoked my daughter" Santana looking at how much bacon Alize has on her plate. 

Quinn just shrugged and went back to her food. The rest of them laughed and finished eating while talking about the plans for later.

The day was going pretty fast so it was already Alize's birthday party, and they bought a big cake for her, there's no doubt she'll have a sugar rush.

Now it was time for the presents. Judy and Quinn got her a new IPad, she was ecstatic. Now it was time for Santana and Brittany's present.

Santana cleared her throat, "Alize honey can you take a seat." Everyone was confused expect for Brittany. They all took a seat, Brittany and Santana sat on either side of her and Judy and Quinn sat on the opposite couch.

"Okay, so you remember when you asked me if Brittany can be your legal mom?" Santana asked her little girl.

"Yeah, I remember," the little brunette said.

"Well I was pretty adamant about it but not because of Brittany but of my insecurities. I always thought I would have to take care of you alone for the rest of my life when I found out I was pregnant with you. I really thought I was going to be the worst mother in the world and I was and sometimes I feel like I still am. If it wasn't for Quinn and your Abuela I don't think I could provide you with the things you have now. I never had the best mother to take lessons from and I'm so glad I didn't end up like her. You are my entire life baby girl and I can never do better than you. So you asked if Britt can be your legal Mama and we're going to give it to you. I'm not doing this only for you but doing this for me and Brittany. She's a blessing that came to us and I'm forever grateful for it and I don't want anyone but her to be your second Mama." Santana said with tears coming down from her eyes.

Brittany who also was in awe and also crying took the paperwork and gave it to Alize, "here you go munchkin."

Alize was now sobbing and her two moms hugged her and kissed her head. "Thank you, I love you both so much," the little Latina said.

"We love you too," both Santana and Brittany said.

Judy and Quinn were looking at the scene and their eyes filled with tears, Judy was holding her daughter close. "That's the best gift ever," Judy said.

"Santana you know you aren't a bad mother right?" Quinn chimed in.

"I know--" she sniffled "but sometimes I feel like I could do better, especially when Puck came that day to the house."

"Sweetie that wasn't your fault and it will never be, stop blaming yourself for that" Quinn said.

"But--" she started.

"No, Mami she's right, that's not your fault. I love you more and look up to you more ever since that day, you were willing to save me. Mami you're an inspiration to me and will always be," Alize faced her mom.

"Baby girl, c' mere" the Latina hugged her real tight.

"I love you Mami, so much"

"I love you too baby,"

"Your Mami is a hero, and she will always be," Brittany said.

"No, I'm not," Santana scoffed.

"You are, whether you believe it or not San, you saved my life. I don't know how but I know in my heart you did," Brittany reprimanded.

"Yeah San, she's right. You've been there for me since day one," Quinn agreed.

"I really love you all," Santana said with a watery smile.

A/N -- So I know you guys pretty much heard what happened. Naya is unfortunately no longer with us and it really hurts. Naya was and is a big part of my life and I will never forget how much she changed my life and saved me. She is the reason I am who I am today. I still can't wrap my head around this and I might be in denial for the rest of my life. My love and prayers goes to her family and friends and her sweet little boy Josey, who she saved and made me look up to her even more. Naya Rivera is a hero and no one should ever forget that. This chapter is dedicated to her and I will continue to keep her legacy alive. I love you Naya <3
Also thank you all for all the love and support throughout this entire fanfic, it really means a lot. I love you all!!

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