Chapter X

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Santana and Brittany woke up to the sound of whimpering, they both woke up and saw Alize crying while she was still sleeping. 

Santana sat up and she tried to wake up her up, "sweetie come on wake up" she kept on saying until she finally woke up and went straight into her mother's arms. "it's okay, I'm here" she cooed in her ears. 

Santana saw the hurt in Alize's eyes as well as Brittany's, she couldn't this actually happened; she just hopes Puck stays in jail forever. 

Once the small Latina calmed down she fell back asleep. Santana tucked her in and went into the bathroom to freshen up. 

Brittany just watched the girl and then stared at the ceiling thinking what did Alize or Santana deserve to go through this. The blonde also thought about how she had great news for Santana but she figured it should wait. Brittany went to the other bathroom and gotten herself freshen up and lied down on the couch and just sighed. She covered her face with her arm and just lost in her thoughts. Then she felt a body move right next to hers and she moved her arm and saw Santana snuggled right next to her. Brittany smiled and pulled the Latina closer to her. 

"I'm sorry" Santana mumbled into Brittany's neck. 

"Sorry for what babe?" Brittany said confused evident on her face. 

"For dragging you into this mess" Santana sobbed quietly. Brittany sighed and lifted up Santana to make eye contact with her and dried her tears. "Baby you didn't drag me into anything do you understand that I really care for you and I'm staying with you every step of the way," she said sincerely. 

Santana just smiled and gave the blonde a meaningful kiss which the dancer returned. They heard crying and screaming and went running into Santana's room. 

"Sweetie, shhhhh Mami's here" the Latina wrapped her arms around Alize. The little Latina just cried into her mother's arms very loudly. Brittany didn't know what to do so she just put a hand on her back and tried to soothe her. Brittany was about to leave the two girls but by surprise, Alize gripped on her arm, "please don't go" she said sadly. Brittany was in awe of the small brunette she shifted more comfortable on the bed and stayed with the girls. 

After a few hours, Brittany went home to get some more clothes since she didn't want the two Latina's to feel scared especially Alize. 

Santana was on the couch watching some stupid ass show but she wasn't really watching it but thinking of yesterday's events; she couldn't stop thinking of how Alize saw her getting choked by Puck and tightened his grip. The doorbell rang and brought Santana back once again, she got up and went to answer it. 

"Hey Rach," Santana said giving the girl a hug. "Quinn's in her room" 

"I'm actually here to see you," Rachel said which made Santana really confused. With that being said Quinn came out and gave her girlfriend a hug and kiss on the cheek. 

Rachel smiled and then went into her bag and gave Santana a paper, "what's this?" she asked. 

"It's a contract signing you to the label The End Records and all you have to do is sign it and you'll start recording in a few weeks" Rachel simply explained. 

Santana's eyes went wide, "wait how did they even hear my music?" 

"Let's just say a considerate blonde gave me a sample and I gave it to the producer who I happen to be friends with" Rachel smiled. 

"Brittany did this?" Santana asked and the petite brunette nodded yes. She now had a huge smile on her face. As she went to go get her phone. She wasted no time calling her girlfriend but frowned when she didn't answer. 

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