Chapter IV

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Santana couldn't sleep the whole night, she kept on twisting and turning. She had Brittany on her mind all night long.

Alize came into the room and jumped on her mother's bed. 

"Ughhh" Santana groaned with the impact of Alize. 

"Wake up," Alize said shaking her mother. 

"I'm awake," Santana said hoarsely. 

"Uncle Finn said she was going to pick up today" Alize informed her mother. 

"He is? Why?" Santana asked. 

"Because you're hanging out with Auntie Q today" Alize explained. Santana was mildly confused since Quinn said nothing about hanging out. Alize left the room skipping and Santana leaned over to her phone and saw she got a few missed calls from Brittany. She was debating whether she should call her back or not. 

She decided to call back Brittany and she answered immediately. 

B: Hey 

S: Hey, I saw you called

B: Yeah, you sound like you just woke up (she giggles) 

'I swear to God her giggle is the most cutest thing ever' Santana thought

B: San you still there?

S: Y-yeah, sorry and I did just wake up but didn't get enough sleep

B: Really? Me neither

S: So what you up to today?

B: Hanging out with Rachel apparently

S: Weird same thing with Quinn

B: Hmmm, I rather spend my day with you though 

S: Same here, "Santana get your ass out here, we gotta go" she hears Quinn yell 

S: Hey I gotta go before Quinn gets her panties in a twist (annoyed)

B: Okay bye (giggles) 

They both hanged up. Santana got up and did her normal routine and headed out into the living room where she sees Quinn on her phone scrolling through Instagram. 

"Q what's going on?" Santana asked. 

"Finally jeez," Quinn said getting her purse and keys pulling Santana out the door. 

"Quinn where the hell are we going??" Santana asked really impatient. 

"We are going to sit here and talk about Brittany" Quinn plainly. 

Just hearing her name makes Santana shiver inside, "w-why are we gonna talk about Brittany?" she asked again. 

"Let me clear, we are going to talk about your feelings for Brittany" Quinn replied. 

"What the hell are you talking about?" Santana playing off like nothing. 

"Don't you dare play stupid with me, I know you feel some type of way for Brittany. I've seen the way you look at her and the fact you have been spending more time with her than any of us, even your daughter. Also, you get all stuttery whenever someone talks about her or even yourself" Quinn simply explained. 

"That's n-not true" Santana stuttered.

"Seriously?" Quinn crossed her arms. 

"Okay okay fine maybe I do like her" Santana confessed. 

"No really?!" Quinn said sarcastically.

"Shut up" Santana playfully slapped Quinn's arm, "I don't know what to do and she probably isn't even gay, so there's no point" Quinn looked at her with a smirk. "What," Santana asked. 

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