Chapter XV

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Santana slowly flickered her eyes open and saw a peaceful beautiful blonde sleeping, and she smiled when there were strands of golden blonde hair covering her face a bit. Santana rose her hand up and brushed her hair and tucked it in the back of her hair. 

Santana just remembered she had no clothes on and her mind flashed back to last night, she had a big grin on her face, she remembered how gentle Brittany was with her. Santana had never had that type of feeling before. Santana felt loved and cherished. 

She came back to reality when she felt soft lips pressed against her own. Santana and Brittany both smiled into the kiss. "Good morning" the blonde mumbled against her lips. Santana was grinning like an idiot, "morning," she gave Brittany a quick peck and they just stared into each other's eyes. 

The blonde was subconsciously playing with the Latina's hair, she couldn't get enough of the girl. Brittany saw Santana's eyes changed into lust and hunger. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked.

"I want you" Santana husked out and straddles Brittany. "I don't want to stop until you're screaming my name the same way I screamed yours," the Latina whispered as she lowered her head to catch Brittany's soft moan. 

Holy fuck! the dancer though as her arms tightened around Santana's body and she returned the kiss.

She moved down to lavish her neck with attention, Brittany titled her head back and closed her eyes. Her hands were still moving up and down the brunette's back and one of them would tangle in Santana's hair to keep her close when she hit a particularly sensitive spot on her body. 

As she moved down to her chest, raining kisses on soft, skin, she wondered if her nerves would pick up again as she moved lower. Feeling bolder, Santana finally moved her body to the side and straddled one of Brittany's thighs. Her fingers traced a path from her side to her hip bone before moving inwards. She drew circles around her abs as she kissed her softly. Brittany kissed her back for a moment before breaking away and drawing in a much-needed breath of air as Santana's hand moved lower. 

Santana looked down at her hand as her fingers continued to move farther down, but stopping before she reached Brittany's glistening flesh. Santana kissed her again as her fingers finally moved south and parted Brittany's folds. They both groaned into each other's mouths as Santana's fingers came into contact with wet, warm and swollen flesh. They broke the kiss and Santana rested her forehead against Brittany's as she breathed softly through parted lips, her body trembling with arousal once more. 

"You're so wet and warm, baby," she whispered as her fingers moved up and down slowly, making sure to map her lover and paying attention to every little reaction she made her girlfriend feel. 

"That's what you do to me"

Santana smiled as she continued to explore, her fingers drawing circles around her center before moving down and circling her entrance to gather more of the clear fluid before moving up back to her center. 

She kept her pace slow as she kissed Brittany's neck and breasts, fingers dipping into her just slightly every now and then. Brittany just trembled and bit her lip, she gasped and bucked her hips, matching the movement as Santana's fingers. 

Santana pulled her fingers out softly and kissed down Brittany's neck, chest, and abs until she was right where she needed to be. She kissed her thighs and held on to Brittany's thighs as she came into contact with her center. Brittany held onto the sheets. As Santana placed kissed on her center, the blonde's hands let go of the sheet she had been holding on to for dear life to move them down to cup Santana's head lightly to keep her in place. 

"Oh, shit, babe, don't stop," she praised softly as her body continued to tremble under the brunette's actions.

Santana's fingers entered her again agonizingly slow and she had to bite her lip as she was filled completely again. She couldn't hold back and cried out when she found her spot again and her mouth sucked her center hard. 

"Oh, fuck, Santana!!" 

The Latina didn't stop. She could feel Brittany trembling, could hear every little cry of pleasure, feel her muscles clenching and unclenching against her finger and it only fueled her desire to please her. She knew she was close but still trying to hold on. 

Pulling her fingers out, she pushed in with three this time and felt a current run down her body at Brittany's strangled moan. She waited a moment before moving again to give her body time to adjust and continued playing with her hardened nub.

She couldn't get enough of her taste. She lifted her head and locked eyes with the panting blonde, noticing the sheen of sweat covering her body and forehead. She looked incredibly hot and it was all Santana could do to control the beast inside from letting lose completely and ravishing the dancer. 

"I want you to let go," she said. "Please baby, let go for me."

Brittany jerked her head in the affirmative before Santana lowered her mouth again and ran the flat of her tongue over her. 

She concentrated on thrusting her fingers in and out of her while her tongue and moth played with her center until Brittany felt her stomach muscles clenching. She tightened her hold on raven-colored strands as her hips picked up their speed and sounds of uninhibited pleasure continued to leave her parted lips. 

"Baby, I'm almost there," she managed to say and a moment later she was sent over the cliff when Santana sucked her center harder and pushed the hip of her tongue against it in tight circles. "Santana!"

Santana's body trembled with arousal again as she heard her name being called out in such a husky timbre and felt Santana's body shaking almost uncontrollably under her own. She kept her finger moving in and out as best as she could. 

Brittany was incredibly turned on and needy, but she was determined to let Santana go at her own pace, even if the said pace was driving her to a slow and early death. 

"Do you like it?" Santana asked quietly into her ear before sucking on the lobe. 

"Mm, yes," Brittany panted as Santana's fingers dipped into her entrance once more. 

"I want to bury my fingers deep into you," she husked out and Brittany moaned. "Would you like that, babe?"

Brittany was now sure Santana was a natural seductress and she was going to die of pleasure. 

"Yes," she managed to hiss when Santana bit the side of her neck lightly. 

"Mm, good"

Just like before, Santana took her time pushing first one finger inside and then two. She moaned when she felt Brittany's muscles squeezing her digits and upped her pace a little. She twisted her finger just so and there it was. Brittany's little cry of surprise told her she had found her spot and she put pressure against it before rubbing her fingers back and forth.

"Jesus, fuck, that feels good," Brittany cried out as her hips moved in rhythm with Santana's hand. "Don't stop, baby." With that being said Santana gave it her all making Brittany come undone. 

As Brittany came down from her high, she let go of Santana's hair and tried to pull up her body. 

"Baby, come here," she whispered. 

Santana was happy to oblige and she settled on the side of Brittany's body and pulled her close. They shared a slow kissed as they wrapped their arms around each other and basked in their newfound closeness. 

"That was incredible, baby," Brittany praised against her lips. 

Santana smiled and kissed her again. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, babe." 

"I love you"

"I love you too" 

"Now as much as I would love to stay here with you all day, I have a little child who will knock on the door in about 2 minutes," Santana said. 

"Hmm, will she now?" Brittany smiled. The Latina nodded her head yes. Just as Brittany was going to speak there was a soft knock on the door. 

"What are you waiting for, get that little munchkin in here with us, then we can cuddle and watch movies" Brittany got up and threw on her robe. 

"Sounds like a plan" the Latina winked.

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