Chapter XVIII

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Santana was laying on the couch while Alize is next to her watching TV. Brittany was taking a shower since she had a real sweaty day at the dance studio. 

After a few minutes Quinn came in and slammed the door really hard, which made Santana and Alize startled. Quinn plopped herself on the other couch and let out a big sigh. 

"That's one way to come in" Brittany walking to the couch. 

"Imexhaustedandfrustarted" Quinn mumbled against the couch. 

The three girls looked at each other with confused faces. 

"What?" Alize asked.

Quinn shifted on made herself comfortable, "I'm exhausted and frustrated" 

"Why?" the small Latina asked.

"Let's just say being a police officer isn't just paperwork, and Rachel still won't speak to me" Quinn explained. 

"How long has it been, since you told her?" Brittany questioned.

"3 damn weeks," 

"Maybe she just needs a little bit more time," Santana shrugged. 

"I mean I understand that, but she doesn't even text me or anything. It's like she just cut me off and I texted her last week so I just gave up," Quinn said sadly.

"Does Auntie Rachel still love us?" Alize went next to Quinn and cuddles up against her. 

"She does pumpkin, she's just still sad that I'm at the station working, she'll come around don't worry," Quinn stated.

Brittany felt really bad, she got up and went into Santana's room to call Rachel.

"Hello," Rachel groaned. 

"Rachel, what is wrong with you?" Brittany getting straight to the point. 

"What are you talking about Britt?" Rachel was oblivious.

"Why haven't you talk to Quinn yet?!" Brittany scolded 

"Because I just don't know what say to her" 

"Seriously, that's bullshit" Brittany reprimanded

"I love her Britt and I don't want to lose her," Rachel said.

"Well stop being such an ass, and talk to her cause if you don't then you will lose her" Brittany bluntly said.


With that being said, Brittany hung up the phone and ran her fingers through her hair. 

"You okay?" Santana announced herself.

Brittany turned around and saw Santana leaning against the door frame, "uh yeah I am" 

Santana walked up to the blonde and put her arms around her neck, pulling Brittany closer. "You're such a great friend" she whispered. 

"I just don't like seeing any of my friends sad" Brittany sighed placing her hands on the Latina's waist. They both leaned into a soft kiss. 

"Come on I wanna show you guys something" Brittany reaching for Santana's jacket. 

Santana was pretty much confused but threw on her jacket, and went out back to the living room. 

"Where are you guys going?" Quinn asked. 

"We're all going, so up come on," Brittany said. Quinn looked back to Santana with furrowed eyebrows and she just shrugged. 

They all got into the car and Brittany led the way. After a good 30 minutes of driving, they ended up at the studio.

"Britt, why are we at your studio?" Santana was even more confused. 

"There's something that I have been working on" Brittany replied. 

Brittany opened to the door to the basement and they headed their way downstairs. She opened the door and turned on the lights. Santana, Quinn, and Alize's eyes widened and their jaws dropped. They saw a huge and beautiful recording studio. 

"Mama what is this for" Alize broke the silence. 

She crouched down to her "this little one is for your Mami"

Santana gasped, "what?!" 

Brittany came back up and walked over to Santana, "baby this is for you, to pursue your music and to follow your dreams. I know you were having trouble with all those recording deals not believing in you, but I do so I signed a contract and built a studio here. It isn't quite finished yet but it will be soon." 

Santana's eyes were filled with tears, "Brittany... I love you so much" 

"I love you too" she engulfed her with a big hug. 

"Brittany you're an angel!" Quinn smiled. 

Alize went and joined her Mami and Mama into the hug, she tugged on Brittany's shirt and crouched down to her, "thank you so much Mama" she whispered into the blonde's ear. 

"Always sweetie" Brittany hugged her a little tighter. 

Santana walked over back to Quinn, "you've got yourself a good one" the short-haired blonde said. 

"I do, don't I" Santana looked at her daughter and girlfriend interaction. "And don't worry, Rach is gonna call soon okay" 

"How do you that?" 

"Because Britt spoke to her" Santana assuring her. 

"Seriously??" Quinn asked.

"Yeah, she did" 

"She really is great and I couldn't be more happy for you" Quinn honestly said. 

"Thanks, Q" 

"Ahem, so Britt what else needs to be done?" Quinn asked.

"Just the soundboard and the acoustics," the blonde said. 

 As Quinn was going to say something, her phone rang. She saw who it was and had a big smile on her face. "I'll be right back." 

"Mami you'll be able to sing again!!" Alize with a big grin on her face. 

"Yeah" Santana laughed. 

"Why couldn't we meet you sooner" Alize looked at Brittany. 

"I ask myself that everyday munchkin," the dancer said. 

Santana walked up to Brittany and Alize and just stood there with them, both of them were looking at each other while Alize looks up at them with a smile. 

Quinn walked back in and took in at what she saw, the blonde took out back her phone and took a picture. Alize brought back the two girls by tugging them. 

"Can we go home now and watch movies till we fall asleep?" she asked.

"Works for me," Quinn said. 

"Yeah let's go," Santana said. 

The 4 girls headed back to the house and did exactly what they said they were going to do. They watched movies for a good 3 hours. Santana and Brittany fell asleep on one couch while Quinn and Alize fell asleep on the other one. 

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