Chapter XXVI

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"Baby" Santana said. 


"Do you ever think Alize will have a growth sprout?" Santana asked.

"I dunno, do you want her too?" the blonde asked.

"I mean she's really tiny for an 11-year-old, she's a dwarf and we gotta stop spoiling her," Santana replied. 

"Yeah, she is, and hey now" Brittany laughed, then continued "and I actually do agree with you, maybe we'll spoil her here and then but she's growing up, soon she'll be off to college."

Santana sniffled, "yeah she will be."

Brittany looked down at Santana and see tears, "baby, don't cry." 

"I just can't believe she's going to middle school 2 years early, it's just a lot to take in I guess," Santana said. 

"I know I get it," Brittany kissed her head, "come on we gotta get up before Quinn comes and breaks the door." Santana laughed, "yeah let's go." 

The two girls got up and brushed their teeth and headed out to the kitchen, where Quinn and Alize were eating pancakes and bacon. 

"You guys couldn't wait for us?" Santana teased. 

"No," Quinn said with a mouthful of pancakes. 

"Don't choke," Santana laughed. 

"Shut up," Quinn said. 

"So Mami when are you and Mommy getting married?" Alize asked.

"Um sweetie I don't know yet, we have some planning to do," Santana answered. 

"Can it be next month???" Alize asked again. 

"Umm... I-" Santana started, getting cut off by Brittany, "honey why don't you let you Mami eat and we'll discuss this later?" 

"Okay," Alize nodded. 

Santana looked at Britt and mouth a "thank you." 

The Latina was now thinking about when they actually should get married, she knows she loves the blonde more than anything and wants to be married to her as quickly as possible. Santana insecurities were piling up, why did Brittany decide to propose, why did she want to spend her entire life with her, did she ruin a part of her life. She didn't even notice Quinn and Alize leaving the kitchen. Santana got pulled away from her thoughts when a pair of soft lips were pressed against hers. When she got over the shock, she kissed her back. 

The dancer pulled back, "you okay? you were thinking very hard there," the caressed her cheek. 

"Yeah I'm okay," Santana said distantly.

Brittany frowned, "you sure because you don't seem fine. what's wrong talk to me?" 

Santana looked up to the blonde with teary eyes, "why me?" 

"San what are you talking about?" the blonde was confused. 

"Why did you propose to me?" Santana said quietly, the blonde barely heard her.

"Because I love you," 

"But why me out of all people, Britt you came into my life and found out I have a kid and had a relationship with a maniac who nearly tried to kill all of us, I can't help but feel I ruined some part of you enjoying your life," Santana said. 

"Santana look at me, you have given me the best life I could ever have, I don't care about what happened in the past, because it has made me and you stronger. You are one of the most beautiful souls. I proposed to you because you've made my life an adventure. I feel safe when I'm around you. When we met, I got more than I bargained for. I got you, a wonderful daughter, and a best friend. Baby, you are my home," Brittany sincerely said. 


"Yes, now where did all of this come from?" Brittany held her cheeks in her hands looking deep into her brown eyes. 

"I don't know, my insecurities just popped out of nowhere," Santana said. 

"Hun' I promise you, you've got nothing to worry about. that ring is proof, I ain't going anywhere okay?" Brittany making sure Santana gets the message. 

 Santana nodded. She went back to her plate and placed it in the sink, washed it, and walked into the living room with Brittany by her side. Alize was watching Spongebob on the tv whilst Quinn was nowhere to be found. 

"Al where's Auntie Q?" Britt asked the tiny Latina. 

"I don't she just said she was going out and left in a hurry," Alize answered. 

Brittany was a bit skeptical and both Latinas were looking at the blonde confused. Brittany took her phone out and looked for her brother's number. 

  After 6 rings he answered, "hey sis" 

"Hey Ry, where are you?" Brittany asked. 

"Just going to the movies" Ryan replied. 

"By yourself?"

"Y-y-yeah all by myself heh" Ryan sounded nervous 

"Well okay then, have fun," Brittany said. 


"What was that about?" Santana was curious. 

"My brother is on a date with Quinn," Brittany blatantly said.

"What?! How do you know that?" Santana asked. 

"He's going to the movies and he said by himself, my brother never goes the movies alone and you think it's a coincidence that Quinn isn't here? Also, he was pretty nervous and stuttering." Brittany explained. 

"Wow," both Latina's said. 


"Are you okay with them, if they are going out?" Santana asked. 

"Yeah, of course, I just wish he'd tell me y'know," Brittany said

"I know, but for now how about we have a little movie night, just the three of us?" Santana looking back at the blonde and her mini one. 

"YES!!" Alize pumped her fist in the air. 

"Okay" Santana giggled. 

"I'll go microwave the popcorn," the blonde smiling goofily. 

The little family watched about 4 movies but Alize fell asleep halfway through the 3rd one and Brittany threw a blanket over the girl not wanting to wake her up. The blonde cuddled back into Santana and watched the last movie until they fell into a blissful sleep. 

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