Chapter XXII

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It's been a week since Quinn was discharged from the hospital and there was still something bugging Santana, why did Quinn have her as her emergency contact. At a point, she thought maybe because they are sisters but then again it was just confusing the hell out of her. She decided to confront her about it. Santana got up from her bed and walked into the living room where Quinn was watching the tv series 'Lucifer.'

"Hey Q, can we talk about something real quick," Santana sat on the opposite side of the couch.

Quinn paused the show and sat up, "yeah sure what's up."

"So um when you got shot your partner called me and told me I was your emergency contact," Santana said.

"Yeah?" Quinn quirked an eyebrow confused.

"Why me?" the Latina asked.

"Because you're the one person I trust with my life, I can ever rely on and know you would never do anything intentionally to hurt me or even abandon me," Quinn replied.

"I always thought Rachel was your emergency contact, to be honest," Santana inquired.

"Well for what happened was exactly why I didn't and because I just had this feeling she would betray me in some way and tried so hard to push it away but I trusted myself and didn't. Also she uh... cheated on me," Quinn said that last part below a whisper but enough for Santana to hear.

Santana's eyes widened, "excuse me she did what?!"

"It was when I told her about me taking the job and a week after I saw her eating some girl's face off and it got handsy so I just left," Quinn explained

"Why- why didn't you confront her or break it off then?" Santana merely confused.

"Because I thought that she would come to me about it but I guess not," Quinn sadly said.

Santana scoffed, "what a bitch"

"Yup," Quinn smiled a bit.

Santana saw how Quinn's face fell once again, "hey come over here."

Quinn shifted and cuddled into Santana and snuggled against her neck and let out soft sobs. Santana did nothing but whisper sweet things to her.

"Hey hey, look at me" Santana tucked her finger under Quinn's chin; she looked up.

"You are amazing in so many ways Quinn, and I can never explain all of them to you but you deserve someone who is always going to be there for you, even with your job. Rachel was not an example of that, she was just a selfish bitch that only cares for herself. I know you would think different but you know deep down, she isn't the person you think you know. That day you find your soulmate, your everything no one and I mean no one not even yourself will be as ecstatic as me, I'm never ever leaving your side," Santana said.

"But what about Britt?" Quinn asked.

"What about her?" she asked confused again.

"You said you'll always be by my side but you have Britt now," Quinn played with her cast.

"I love you Lucy Quinn Fabray and no one and I mean no one including Brittany can ever make me leave you or even cut you out of my life because you mean more to me than some girl especially to Alize," Santana assured her.

"What would I do without you," Quinn embraced her tightly as she possibly can.

"I ask myself that every day,"

"Now I understand why you put Alize's middle name as Lucia" Quinn pulled back with a huge smile.

"Yeah," Santana laughed, "I mean hey Alize Lucia Lopez loves you infinity and so will her momma" the Latina gave her a playful wink.

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